nRF Thread Topology Monitor v1.0.0

Installing nRF Thread Topology Monitor on Ubuntu Linux

nRF Thread Topology Monitor is installed from packages available for download on the nRF Thread Topology Monitor download page, with additional configuration steps required specifically for Ubuntu Linux.

Before you can install nRF Thread Topology Monitor on Ubuntu Linux, you must download and install the following software:

To install nRF Thread Topology Monitor on Ubuntu Linux, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the nRF Thread Topology Monitor download page and download the package for Ubuntu Linux.
  2. Extract the package.
    The installation package includes the hex files required for displaying network topology.
  3. Make sure that you have permissions to access the /dev/ttyACM0 serial port. Complete the following steps to grant permissions to the current user:
    1. Run the following command to read the distribution-dependent group name: ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
    2. Add the current user to the group by running the following command for the Ubuntu group name dialout: sudo adduser $USER dialout.
    3. Log out and log back in to refresh the user credentials.
  4. Run the nRF_TTM executable file from the directory where you extracted the package.
  5. If you run nRF Thread Topology Monitor with sudo permissions, complete the following steps:
    1. Close the tool window. At this point, the nRF_TTM storage directory has been created, which includes files with information like the last configuration and node names.
    2. Run the following command to avoid errors and gain user access to the files in the storage directory: sudo chown -hR $USER ~/.config/nRF_TTM/.
    3. Run the nRF Thread Topology Monitor nRF_TTM executable file again.
Once you run the executable file, the application opens.