Smart Remote 3 nRF52 v1.2
Macros | Variables
Hardware configuration

Shared hardware resource configuration. More...


#define ICM20608_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x68)
#define LIS3DH_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x19)
#define SX1509_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x3E)


app_isched_t g_bg_scheduler
app_isched_t g_fg_scheduler
nrf_drv_twi_config_t const g_twi_bus_config [2]
nrf_twi_mngr_t const *const g_twi_mngr

Detailed Description

Shared hardware resource configuration.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ICM20608_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x68)

TWI address of the ICM20608 IMU

#define LIS3DH_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x19)

TWI address of the LIS3DH Accelerometer

#define SX1509_TWI_ADDRESS   (0x3E)

TWI address of the SX1509 I/O expander

Variable Documentation

app_isched_t g_bg_scheduler

Scheduler for background tasks.

app_isched_t g_fg_scheduler

Scheduler for foreground tasks.

nrf_drv_twi_config_t const g_twi_bus_config[2]

TWI buses configuration.

nrf_twi_mngr_t const* const g_twi_mngr

TWI manager.

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