Smart Remote 3 nRF52 v1.2
Other components

This section contains information about all other components that are part of the Smart Remote 3 nRF52 firmware. More...


 Board driver
 Board-specific driver.
 Common application error handler
 Common application error handler and macros for utilizing a common error handler.
 Custom implementation of app_scheduler
 A custom implementation of the app_scheduler that replaces the SDK app_scheduler.
 Event bus
 Details of the event bus mechanism and its functions.
 Hardware configuration
 Shared hardware resource configuration.
 Initialization module
 Calls initialization functions for the enabled modules.
 Instantiable scheduler
 Instantiable scheduler functions.
 Key combo utility
 Functions for detecting hardware-specific key combinations.
 Random Number Generator Monitor.
 RNG Monitor periodically checks RNG pool and notifies components waiting for entropy when it is avaiable.
 TWI common procedures
 Common TWI functions.

Detailed Description

This section contains information about all other components that are part of the Smart Remote 3 nRF52 firmware.

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