Configurable settings

Thingy has a number of settings that can be customized to suit your needs.

Table 1. Configurable settings
Parameter Description
Name The name used when advertising the Thingy device.

IOS and Android:

The name is limited to 10 bytes of alphanumeric values and emojis. Alphanumeric values correspond to 1 byte, while most emojis account for 2 bytes.

Advertising parameters  
  • Advertising interval
The frequency of Thingy advertising.
  • Advertising time-out
The duration of Thingy advertising for a connection request before timing out.
Connection parameters  
  • Minimum connection interval
The minimum interval in milliseconds at which the mobile device asks for data from Thingy.
  • Maximum connection interval
The maximum interval in milliseconds at which the mobile device asks for data from Thingy.
  • Slave latency
The number of events between the mobile device asking Thingy for data and Thingy actually sending the data. This allows Thingy to stay in low-power mode for a longer time when it has no new data for the mobile device.
  • Supervision time-out
A time-out in seconds from the last data exchange before considering the Thingy link lost. If you expect that Thingy will often go in and out of range, it is better to have a short time-out to detect it quickly.
Eddystone Beacon URL URL in the Eddystone URI format.

Thingy is equipped to act as an Eddystone URL beacon. During a nearby scan, the Thingy may pop up as a notification with the default nordicsemi URL. However, the URL can be changed in this configuration.

iOS: Requires and Eddystone beacon app.

Android: According to the Eddystone URL beacon specification, the URL cannot be longer than 20 bytes. To configure a URL longer than 20 bytes, tap Shorten URL and you will be provided with a shortened version of it.

Cloud Token (IFTTT key)

iOS and Android: A token for any cloud service.

Web: Paste the IFTTT key in this field to integrate your Thingy with the IFTTT web service.

Sensor intervals The interval of Thingy notification updates for sensors.

Advanced configuration: In order to modify a specific configuration, tap the cell you would like to change and modify the contents. Here you will see appropriate configuration types and value ranges, as well as have your input validated when you change a value. The new configuration is automatically saved.

Viewable parameter (iOS, Android and Web)

You can also view the current firmware version that is running on Thingy.