nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE v4.1.x

Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux

Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux requires setting up permissions for the current users by adding them to specific user groups.

To install Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Download the Wireshark standard package or the latest stable PPA for Ubuntu Linux distribution from the Wireshark download page.
  2. Install the package on your computer.
  3. Answer yes when the installer asks you if non-superusers should be able to capture packets.
    This ensures that packet capture is available to all users in the wireshark system group.
  4. Add the correct user to the wireshark user group.
    For example, type sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER.
  5. Add the correct user to the dialout user group.
    For example, type sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER.
  6. Restart your computer to apply the new user group settings.
    Note: Logging out might not be enough for changes to take effect.
Then install the nRF Sniffer capture plugin, as described in Installing the nRF Sniffer capture tool.