Enter the credentials for pairing. The procedure depends on the type of
For connections that use legacy pairing with Just Works:
Initiate pairing between the devices if it
does not happen automatically.
No further action is required.
For connections that use legacy pairing with a passkey:
Initiate pairing between the devices if it
does not happen automatically.
Select Legacy Passkey as input key and type
the 6-digit passkey that is displayed on either the Central or the
Peripheral into the input field in Wireshark.
Before the devices initiate pairing, select Legacy OOB
data as input key and type the OOB key in big-endian, hexadecimal format with a
leading "0x" into the input field in Wireshark.
Press Enter.
Connect the Central to the Peripheral.
Initiate pairing between the devices if it
does not happen automatically.
For connections that use LE Secure Connections in debug mode:
Enable Secure Connections debug mode on one or both of the
Initiate pairing between the devices if it
does not happen automatically.
In debug mode, the connection uses the debug keys specified in the
Bluetooth Core Specification. The nRF Sniffer uses the same keys to
decrypt the encrypted packets.
For connections that use LE Secure Connections with a private key:
Before the devices initiate pairing, select SC Private
Key as input key and type the 32-byte Diffie-Hellman
private key of your device in big-endian, hexadecimal format with a
leading "0x" into the input field in Wireshark.
Initiate pairing between the devices if it
does not happen automatically.