pynrfjprog v10.x.x

nRF pynrfjprog

The nRF pynrfjprog utility is a simple Python interface for the nrfjprog DLL. The utility works with Python v2.7.x and v3.4.x, or later.

The pynrfjprog package provides Python bindings for the nrfjprog DLL and is an excellent tool if you use Python to test your application. It gives you all the functionality needed for properly testing the functionality of the Nordic Semiconductor SoCs as well as your own applications.

Table 1. pynrfjprog modules
Module Description
HighLevel Provides Python bindings for the exported functions of the highlevelnrfjprog DLL.
LowLevel Provides Python bindings for the exported functions of the nrfjprog DLL.
API Deprecated module, redirects to LowLevel.
MultiAPI Provides multiprocessing Python bindings for the exported functions of the nrfjprog DLL.
Hex Implements an Intel HEX file parser that allows HEX files to be parsed and easily programmed using the API module.
JLink Implements functions for finding the latest SEGGER DLL.
examples Provides some examples on how the package can be used for programming and debugging SoCs.
docs Provides the header files of the family and main nrfjprogdll.h, as well as the DllCommonDefinitions.h.
lib_x86 Provides the nrfjprog 32-bit DLLs.
lib_x64 Provides the nrfjprog 64-bit DLLs.