pynrfjprog v10.x.x

Installing pynrfjprog using pip (recommended)

The recommended way for installing the pynrfjprog utility is using Python-pip.

As a prerequisite, pip needs to be installed. For information on pip installation, see Python Packaging User Guide - Tool Recommendations. Pip will by default be included in the latest versions of Python (starting from v2.7.9) and can also be installed for older versions. For more information, see Python Documentation - Installing Python Modules.

The pynrfjprog package is published on the PyPI - the Python Package Index, and is therefore available through pip.

To install the pynrfjprog package, type pip install pynrfjprog at a Command Prompt window.
The content of the package will be added to the Python defaults directory. Depending on the OS and version installed, the directory could be C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pynrfjprog\
After the installation, you can import the pynrfjprog modules from a Python interpreter or script by calling: from pynrfjprog import HighLevel, Lowlevel, MultiAPI, Hex, examples. This will import the modules HighLevel, LowLevel, MultiAPI, HEX, and examples.