nRF Util v7.1.0

nRF Util

nRF Util is a modular command line tool, enabling power users to manage Nordic Semiconductor devices and support automation.

nRF Util is provided as an executable file (nrfutil) that can install, manage, and launch additional domain specific commands. nRF Util supports JSON output, for automation, scripting, and custom manipulation of the data available from nRF Util. The underlying architecture of nRF Util is aligned with that of nRF Connect for Desktop applications.

This user guide helps you get started, with information common to all the commands and device-specific use cases for the device and trace commands. For additional information, use the built-in help system and see the DevZone nRF Util blog.

nRF Util supports the following commands:

nRF Util has tier 1 support for the following platforms:

In addition, nRF Util has tier 2 support for Windows 11 (x64), Ubuntu 22.04 (x64), and MacOS 12 (x64, arm64).

You can find the tier definitions here: nRF Connect SDK Supported Operating Systems.