nRF Util v7.1.0

Installing nRF Util

nRF Util functionality is provided through modular, domain specific commands that are installed from a central package registry on the Internet.

The nrfutil executable file is a helper application which helps you search for, install, list, and upgrade the modular commands. Download and use it to find and install the command tools you need.

  1. Download the nrfutil executable file from nRF Util.
  2. Install nRF Util by doing one of the following:
    • Run nrfutil from the command line in the folder where it was downloaded.
    • Move it to a folder in the system path, to run it from anywhere on the system.
  3. On macOS and Linux, give nrfutil execute permissions by typing chmod +x nrfutil in a terminal or using a file browser.
    This is typically a checkbox found under file properties.
  4. Now you are ready to install commands. To list available commands run nrfutil search
  5. To install a command, run nrfutil install <command-name>.

The command package is installed to a sub folder under {USER HOME DIRECTORY}/.nrfutil/.

For example, to install the device command, run the following:
nrfutil install device

You can now use the command nrfutil device, for example with --help.