nRF Command Line Tools v10.11.1

DLL functions in nrfjprogdll.h

For a complete reference of the nrfjprog DLL and a description of the API, refer to the nrfjprogdll.h header file provided as part of the nRF Command Line Tools installation.

The following table lists all DLL functions of the nrfjprog DLL. The file DllCommonDefinitions.h provided with the installation defines all return codes of the DLL functions as well as other necessary type definitions.

Table 1. DLL functions in nrfjprogdll.h
Function Description
NRFJPROG_dll_version Returns the JLinkARM.dll version.
NRFJPROG_is_dll_open Checks if the JLinkARM DLL is open.
NRFJPROG_open_dll Opens the JLinkARM DLL and sets the log callback. Prepares the DLL for work with a specific family.
NRFJPROG_close_dll Closes and frees the JLinkARM DLL.
NRFJPROG_enum_emu_com Enumerates all serial ports connected to a given SEGGER debug probe.
NRFJPROG_enum_emu_snr Enumerates the serial numbers of connected USB SEGGER J-Link emulators.
NRFJPROG_is_connected_to_emu Checks if the emulator has an established connection with a SEGGER emulator/debugger.
NRFJPROG_connect_to_emu_with_snr Connects to a given emulator/debugger.
NRFJPROG_connect_to_emu_without_snr Connects to an emulator/debugger.
NRFJPROG_reset_connected_emu Attempts to reset the connected J-Link OB.
NRFJPROG_replace_connected_emu_fw Replaces the firmware on the connected J-Link debug probe.
NRFJPROG_read_connected_emu_snr Reads the serial number of the connected emulator.
NRFJPROG_read_connected_emu_fwstr Reads the firmware identification string of the connected emulator.
NRFJPROG_disconnect_from_emu Disconnects from an emulator.
NRFJPROG_is_coprocessor_enabled Checks if the coprocessor is enabled.
NRFJPROG_enable_coprocessor Enables the coprocessor.
NRFJPROG_disable_coprocessor Disables the coprocessor.
NRFJPROG_select_coprocessor Selects which coprocessor to connect to.
NRFJPROG_recover Recovers the device.
NRFJPROG_is_connected_to_device Checks if the emulator has an established connection with a SoC.
NRFJPROG_connect_to_device Connects to the SoC.
NRFJPROG_disconnect_from_device Disconnects from the SoC.
NRFJPROG_readback_protect Protects the SoC against read or debug.
NRFJPROG_readback_status Returns the status of the readback protection.
NRFJPROG_is_eraseprotect_enabled Returns the status of the erase protection.
NRFJPROG_enable_eraseprotect Enables erase protection.
NRFJPROG_read_region_0_size_and_source Returns the region 0 size and source of protection, if any.
NRFJPROG_debug_reset Executes a reset using the CTRL-AP.
NRFJPROG_sys_reset Executes a system reset request.
NRFJPROG_pin_reset Executes a pin reset.
NRFJPROG_disable_bprot Disables BPROT.
NRFJPROG_is_bprot_enabled Detects if memory block protection is enabled.
NRFJPROG_erase_all Erases all flash.
NRFJPROG_erase_page Erases a page of code flash.
NRFJPROG_erase_uicr Erases UICR.
NRFJPROG_write_u32 Writes one uint32_t data at the given address.
NRFJPROG_read_u32 Reads one uint32_t address.
NRFJPROG_write Writes data from the array starting at the given address.
NRFJPROG_read Reads data_len bytes starting at address addr.
NRFJPROG_is_halted Checks if the SoC CPU is halted.
NRFJPROG_halt Halts the SoC CPU.
NRFJPROG_run Starts the SoC CPU with the given pc and sp.
NRFJPROG_go Starts the SoC CPU.
NRFJPROG_step Runs the device CPU for one instruction.
NRFJPROG_read_ram_sections_count Reads the number of RAM sections in the device.
NRFJPROG_read_ram_sections_size Reads the size of the RAM sections in the device in bytes.
NRFJPROG_read_ram_sections_power_status Reads the RAM section power status.
NRFJPROG_is_ram_powered Reads the RAM power status.
NRFJPROG_power_ram_all Powers up all RAM sections of the device.
NRFJPROG_unpower_ram_section Powers down a RAM section of the device.
NRFJPROG_read_cpu_register Reads a CPU register.
NRFJPROG_write_cpu_register Writes a CPU register.
NRFJPROG_read_device_version Reads the device version connected to the device.
NRFJPROG_read_device_info Reads the version, name, memory, and revision descriptors of the device connected to the emulator.
NRFJPROG_read_device_family Reads the family of the device connected to the emulator. Can only be called if NRFJPROG_open_dll() was called with UNKNOWN_FAMILY as family parameter.
NRFJPROG_read_debug_port_register Reads a debugger debug port register.
NRFJPROG_write_debug_port_register Writes a debugger debug port register.
NRFJPROG_read_access_port_register Reads a debugger access port register.
NRFJPROG_write_access_port_register Writes a debugger access port register.
NRFJPROG_is_rtt_started Checks if the RTT is started.
NRFJPROG_rtt_set_control_block_address Indicates to the DLL the location of the RTT control block in the SoC memory.
NRFJPROG_rtt_start Starts RTT.
NRFJPROG_rtt_is_control_block_found Checks if an RTT control block has been found.
NRFJPROG_rtt_stop Stops RTT.
NRFJPROG_rtt_read Reads from an RTT channel.
NRFJPROG_rtt_write Writes to an RTT channel.
NRFJPROG_rtt_read_channel_count Gets the number of RTT channels.
NRFJPROG_rtt_read_channel_info Reads the info from one RTT channel.
NRFJPROG_is_qspi_init Checks if the QSPI peripheral is initialized.
NRFJPROG_qspi_init Initializes the QSPI peripheral.
NRFJPROG_qspi_uninit Uninitializes the QSPI peripheral.
NRFJPROG_qspi_read Reads from the external QSPI-connected memory.
NRFJPROG_qspi_write Writes to the external QSPI-connected memory.
NRFJPROG_qspi_erase Erases the external QSPI-connected memory.
NRFJPROG_qspi_custom Sends a custom instruction to the external QSPI-connected memory.