nRF Connect Cellular Monitor v1.0.4 or later

Overview and user interface

After starting the Cellular Monitor, the context sensitive application window is displayed. If a supported device is selected, you can capture traces, otherwise traces can be played back.

Before a device is selected, the side bar contains the following elements:

Select Device
Dropdown to list the devices attached to the computer. When you select a supported device, the app attempts to connect to two different serial ports. One of the ports is for communication and logging, the other is for modem trace.
Buy development kit...
Opens a dialog with localized links to partner web sites to purchase the supported devices.
Load trace file...
Opens file explorer and allows you to select a trace file. Traces captured using Cellular Monitor have the file extension .mtrace. You can also open files from nrfutil trace and legacy Trace Collector .bin files.
Open trace file in Wireshark...
Opens file explorer and allows you to select an .mtrace or .bin file. The selected file is converted to Packet Capture Next Generation (PcapNG) format and displayed in Wireshark.

When a device is selected, Cellular Monitor tries to discover its capabilities. The side panel options are updated depending on the results.

Starts tracing.
Refresh dashboard
Extensively populates the dashboard fields by sending a set of recommended AT commands to your device. This button is available only if Cellular Monitor has identified either Modem Shell or AT Host on the device, and if you are tracing.
Open Serial Terminal
Opens the Serial Terminal application in a new window. You can view the modem dialog and logging information from your application and the RTOS here. See nRF Connect for Desktop Serial Terminal User Guide for more information on the application.
Connection Status
Displays the trace status. If you have enabled Modem Shell or AT Host and click Refresh Dashboard, the Connection Status is updated automatically. See Capturing a Modem trace for more information.
Trace database
The trace database is used to decode the raw modem trace. Each modem firmware version has a separate trace database. The trace database version must match the modem firmware version of the selected device.

If AT Host is enabled, choose Autoselect and Cellular Monitor automatically selects the trace databased version. If not, select the database whose version matches your modem firmware from the dropdown list of databases.

Serial port trace capture
The serial port used to send the modem trace. It is the last port in the dropdown list if your application firmware uses default settings.
Reset device
Resets the device before starting a new trace.
Open in Wireshark
Opens and displays trace data live in Wireshark when the trace is started.
Program device
Select and program precompiled sample applications and modem firmware to your device. The samples enable the trace and AT Host prerequisites for Cellular Monitor. Modem firmware supporting trace is available with all samples, and you can choose to program the modem or application firmware, or both. The modem firmware needs only to be programmed once.
Terminal Serial Port
The serial port used to send AT commands to your device if Modem Shell or AT Host is enabled. This is the port used by Serial Terminal. It is the first port in the dropdown list if your application firmware uses default settings.
Dashboard tab and Packet Event Viewer
See Viewing a Modem trace in Cellular Monitor.
Certificate Manager tab
See Managing modem credentials.

The Log panel allows you to view the most important log events, tagged with a timestamp. Each time you open the app, a new session log file is created. You can find the Log panel and its controls, below the main application Window.

  • When troubleshooting, to view more detailed information than shown in the Log panel, use Open log file to open the current log file in a text editor.
  • To clear the information currently displayed in the Log panel, use Clear Log. The contents of the log file are not affected.
  • To hide or display the Log panel in the user interface, use Show Log.
  • To freeze Log panel scrolling, use Autoscroll Log.
About tab

You can view application information, restore defaults, access source code, and documentation. You also can find information on the selected device, access support tools, and enable verbose logging.