nRF Connect Cellular Monitor v1.0.4 or later


These troubleshooting instructions can help you fix issues you might encounter in Cellular Monitor.

Check Cellular Monitor's Minimum requirements and limitations
Trace data is not displayed or the file size does not increase.
  • Check the trace serial port used, see Identifying trace serial port
  • The default UART trace settings are 1 000 000 baud rate, with hardware flow control enabled.
Refresh Dashboard is greyed out.
  • Refresh Dashboard can be selected only after trace is started.
  • Try to Program a provided sample application and modem firmware to your device.
Where can I find my trace files and what is the .mtrace file extension?
Make sure that Save trace file to disk is enabled before starting trace if you want them to be saved. The easiest way to find your saved files is to click Load trace file.
Cellular Monitor .mtrace files are binary files, just like before. The .mtrace file extension is used to separate them from other binary files (extension .bin). If you want to open the file in a tool that requires a .bin extension, replace the .mtrace extension with a .bin. You are still be able to open it in Cellular Monitor.
Is it sufficient to update prj.conf to enable modem trace?