nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.2.0
Data Fields
zb_buf_hdr_s Struct Reference

#include <zboss_api_buf.h>

Data Fields

zb_ret_t status
zb_uint16_t len
zb_uint16_t data_offset
zb_uint8_t multiplicity
zb_uint8_t handle
zb_bitfield_t is_in_buf:1
zb_bitfield_t encrypt_type:3
zb_bitfield_t use_same_key:1
zb_bitfield_t zdo_cmd_no_resp:1
zb_bitfield_t is_rx_buf:1
zb_bitfield_t has_aps_payload:1
zb_bitfield_t has_aps_user_payload:1
zb_uint8_t reserved:7

Detailed Description

Packet buffer header.

Field Documentation

zb_uint16_t zb_buf_hdr_s::data_offset

data offset in buffer buf

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::encrypt_type

payload must be encrypted before send, if !0.

See also
zb_uint8_t zb_buf_hdr_s::handle

The handle associated with the NSDU to be transmitted by the NWK layer entity.

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::has_aps_payload

if 1, than packet comes from APS, the flag is needed to increase APS packets counter in diagnostic data on packet sending

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::has_aps_user_payload

if 1, than packet comes with APS user's payload

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::is_in_buf

if 1, this is input buffer

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::is_rx_buf

if 1, this is buffer with received packet and nwk_mac_addrs_t is at buffer tail

zb_uint16_t zb_buf_hdr_s::len

current layer buffer length

zb_uint8_t zb_buf_hdr_s::multiplicity

if greater that 1, then the following (multiplicity - 1) buffers are occupied with payload data and should not be treated as having valid headers, etc.

zb_ret_t zb_buf_hdr_s::status

some status to be passed with packet

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::use_same_key

if 1, use same nwk key packet was encrypted by

zb_bitfield_t zb_buf_hdr_s::zdo_cmd_no_resp

if 1, this is ZDO command with no response - call callback at confirm

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