nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.2.0
Data Fields
otPlatBleGattService Struct Reference

#include <ble.h>

Data Fields

const otPlatBleUuid mUuid
uint16_t mHandle

Detailed Description

Registration descriptor for a GATT service.

Field Documentation

otPlatBleGattCharacteristic* otPlatBleGattService::mCharacteristics

Array of characteristic definitions corresponding to characteristics belonging to this service.

uint16_t otPlatBleGattService::mHandle

Handle of service; written to by stack after call to otPlatBleGattServerServicesRegister.

const otPlatBleUuid otPlatBleGattService::mUuid

Pointer to service UUID; use BLE_UUIDxx_DECLARE macros to declare proper UUID; NULL if there are no more characteristics in the service.

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