nRF5 SDK v17.1.0
Data Fields
tdt_config_t Struct Reference

TDT Local Config Struct. More...

#include <tile_tdt_module.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t SE_LTF:1
 [0] Song Enable: LongTap Failure
uint16_t SE_LTS:1
 [1] Song Enable: LongTap Success
uint16_t SE_DTF:1
 [2] Song Enable: DoubleTap Failure
uint16_t SE_DTS:1
 [3] Song Enable: DoubleTap Success
uint16_t SE_STIF:1
 [4] Song Enable: SingleTapImmediate Failure
uint16_t SE_STIS:1
 [5] Song Enable: SingleTapImmediate Success
uint16_t SE_STDF:1
 [6] Song Enable: SingleTapDelayed Failure
uint16_t SE_STDS:1
 [7] Song Enable: SingleTapDelayed Success
uint16_t EN_DT:1
 [8] Enable: DoubleTap
uint16_t EN_LT:1
 [9] Enable: LongTap
uint16_t EN_STI:1
 [10] Enable: SingleTapImmediate
uint16_t EN_STD:1
 [11] Enable: SingleTapDelayed
uint16_t SS_Strength:2
 [12:13] Success Song Strength (0/1: Low; 2: Med; 3: High)
uint16_t FS_Strength:2
 [14:15] Fail Song Strength (0/1: Low; 2: Med; 3: High)
uint8_t Delay
 DoubleTap and LongTap detection delay: in units of 20 ms, plus an offset of 10ms.
uint8_t NotifDebounceDelay
 DoubleTap Notification Debouncing Delay: in units of 100ms. 0 means no debouncing.

Detailed Description

TDT Local Config Struct.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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