nRF5 SDK v17.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
RNG driver

Random Number Generator (RNG) peripheral driver. More...


 RNG peripheral driver configuration

Data Structures

struct  nrfx_rng_config_t
 Struct for RNG configuration. More...


 RNG default configuration. Basic usage: More...


typedef void(* nrfx_rng_evt_handler_t )(uint8_t rng_data)
 RNG driver event handler type.


nrfx_err_t nrfx_rng_init (nrfx_rng_config_t const *p_config, nrfx_rng_evt_handler_t handler)
 Function for initializing the nrfx_rng module. More...
void nrfx_rng_start (void)
 Function for starting the generation of random values. More...
void nrfx_rng_stop (void)
 Function for stopping the generation of random values. More...
void nrfx_rng_uninit (void)
 Function for uninitializing the nrfx_rng module.

Detailed Description

Random Number Generator (RNG) peripheral driver.

Macro Definition Documentation

{ \
.interrupt_priority = NRFX_RNG_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY, \

RNG default configuration. Basic usage:

if (nrfx_rng_init(&config, handler)
{ ...

Function Documentation

nrfx_err_t nrfx_rng_init ( nrfx_rng_config_t const *  p_config,
nrfx_rng_evt_handler_t  handler 

Function for initializing the nrfx_rng module.

[in]p_configPointer to the structure with the initial configuration.
[in]handlerEvent handler provided by the user. Must not be NULL.
Return values
NRFX_SUCCESSDriver was successfully initialized.
NRFX_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZEDDriver was already initialized.
void nrfx_rng_start ( void  )

Function for starting the generation of random values.

New data should be handled by handler passed to the nrfx_rng_init() function.

void nrfx_rng_stop ( void  )

Function for stopping the generation of random values.

Function disables interrupts in peripheral and stops the generation of new random values.

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