nRF5 SDK v17.1.0
Modules | Macros | Functions

Modules providing Device Firmware Update (DFU) functionality. More...


 DFU BLE Service
 Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layer for Bluetooth low energy.
 Device Firmware Upgrade configuration
 Flash operations
 MBR functions
 Request handling
 DFU settings
 DFU transport
 Generic Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport interface.
 DFU types
 DFU utilities
 DFU Serial transports shared part
 Shared part of Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layers using serial interface (UART, USB CDC ACM).


#define NRF_DFU_SCHED_EVENT_DATA_SIZE   (sizeof(nrf_dfu_request_t))


uint32_t nrf_dfu_init (nrf_dfu_observer_t observer)
 Function for initializing a DFU operation. More...

Detailed Description

Modules providing Device Firmware Update (DFU) functionality.

The DFU module, in combination with the Bootloader modules module, can be used to implement a bootloader that supports Device Firmware Updates.

Function Documentation

uint32_t nrf_dfu_init ( nrf_dfu_observer_t  observer)

Function for initializing a DFU operation.

This function initializes a DFU operation and any transports that are registered in the system.

[in]observerCallback function for receiving DFU notifications.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the DFU operation was successfully initialized.

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