nRF5 SDK v17.0.2
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Queue for the BLE GATT requests. More...


 BLE GATT Queue Module configuration

Data Structures

struct  nrf_ble_gq_gattc_read_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_GATTC_READ request type. More...
struct  nrf_ble_gq_gattc_srv_discovery_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_SRV_DISCOVERY request type. More...
struct  nrf_ble_gq_req_error_handler_t
 Structure used to handle SoftDevice error. More...
struct  nrf_ble_gq_req_t
 Structure used to describe BLE GATT request. More...
struct  nrf_ble_gq_t
 Descriptor for the BLE GATT Queue instance. More...


#define NRF_BLE_GQ_DEF(_name, _max_connections, _queue_size)
 Macro for defining a nrf_ble_gq_t instance with default parameters. More...
#define NRF_BLE_GQ_CUSTOM_DEF(_name, _max_connections, _queue_size, _pool_elem_size, _pool_elem_count)
 Macro for defining a nrf_ble_gq_t instance. More...
 Helping macro used to properly initialize connection handle array for nrf_ble_gq_t instance. Used in NRF_BLE_GQ_CUSTOM_DEF.


typedef void(* nrf_ble_gq_req_error_cb_t )(uint32_t nrf_error, void *p_context, uint16_t conn_handle)
 Pointer used to describe error handler for GATTC request.
typedef ble_gattc_write_params_t nrf_ble_gq_gattc_write_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_GATTC_WRITE request type.
typedef ble_gattc_handle_range_t nrf_ble_gq_gattc_char_disc_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_CHAR_DISCOVERY request type.
typedef ble_gattc_handle_range_t nrf_ble_gq_gattc_desc_disc_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_DESC_DISCOVERY request type.
typedef ble_gatts_hvx_params_t nrf_ble_gq_gatts_hvx_t
 Structure used to describe NRF_BLE_GQ_REQ_GATTS_HVX request type.


enum  nrf_ble_gq_req_type_t {
 BLE GATT request types. More...


ret_code_t nrf_ble_gq_item_add (nrf_ble_gq_t const *const p_gatt_queue, nrf_ble_gq_req_t *const p_req, uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for adding a GATT request to the BGQ instance. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ble_gq_conn_handle_register (nrf_ble_gq_t *const p_gatt_queue, uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for registering connection handle in the BGQ instance. More...
void nrf_ble_gq_on_ble_evt (ble_evt_t const *p_ble_evt, void *p_context)
 Function for handling BLE events from the SoftDevice. More...

Detailed Description

Queue for the BLE GATT requests.

The BLE GATT Queue (BGQ) module can be used to queue BLE GATT requests if the SoftDevice is not able to handle them at the moment. In this case, processing of queued request is postponed. Later on, when corresponding BLE event indicates that the SoftDevice may be free, the request is retried. For conceptual documentation of this module, see BLE GATT Queue.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NRF_BLE_GQ_CUSTOM_DEF (   _name,

Macro for defining a nrf_ble_gq_t instance.

_nameName of the instance.
_max_connectionsThe maximal number of connection handles that can be registered.
_queue_sizeThe maximal number of nrf_ble_gq_req_t instances that queue can hold.
_pool_elem_sizeSize of a single element in the pool of memory objects.
_pool_elem_countNumber of elements in the pool of memory objects.
#define NRF_BLE_GQ_DEF (   _name,

Macro for defining a nrf_ble_gq_t instance with default parameters.

_nameName of the instance.
_max_connectionsThe maximal number of connection handles that can be registered.
_queue_sizeThe maximal number of nrf_ble_gq_req_t instances that queue can hold.

Enumeration Type Documentation

BLE GATT request types.


GATTC Read Request. See nrf_ble_gq_gattc_read_t and sd_ble_gattc_read


GATTC Write Request. See nrf_ble_gq_gattc_write_t and sd_ble_gattc_write


GATTC Service Discovery Request. See nrf_ble_gq_gattc_write_t and sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover.


GATTC Characteristic Discovery Request. See nrf_ble_gq_gattc_char_disc_t and sd_ble_gattc_characteristics_discover.


GATTC Characteristic Descriptor Discovery Request. See nrf_ble_gq_gattc_desc_disc_t and sd_ble_gattc_descriptors_discover


GATTS Handle Value Notification or Indication. See nrf_ble_gq_gatts_hvx_t and ble_gatts_hvx_params_t


Total number of different GATT Request types

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nrf_ble_gq_conn_handle_register ( nrf_ble_gq_t *const  p_gatt_queue,
uint16_t  conn_handle 

Function for registering connection handle in the BGQ instance.

This function is used for registering connection handle in the BGQ instance. From this point, the BGQ instance can handle GATT requests associated with the handle until connection is no longer valid (disconnect event occurs).

[in]p_gatt_queuePointer to the BGQ instance.
[in]conn_handleConnection handle.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the registration was successful.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf p_gatt_queue was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf there was no space for another connection handle.
ret_code_t nrf_ble_gq_item_add ( nrf_ble_gq_t const *const  p_gatt_queue,
nrf_ble_gq_req_t *const  p_req,
uint16_t  conn_handle 

Function for adding a GATT request to the BGQ instance.

This function adds a request to the BGQ instance and allocates necessary memory for data that can be held within the request descriptor. If the SoftDevice is free, this request will be processed immediately. Otherwise, the request remains in in the queue and is processed later.

[in]p_gatt_queuePointer to the BGQ instance.
[in]p_reqPointer to the request.
[in]conn_handleConnection handle associated with the request.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the request was added successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NULLAny parameter was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMThere was no room in the queue or in the data pool.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf conn_handle is not registered or type of request - p_req is not valid.
err_codeOther request specific error codes may be returned.
void nrf_ble_gq_on_ble_evt ( ble_evt_t const *  p_ble_evt,
void *  p_context 

Function for handling BLE events from the SoftDevice.

This function handles the BLE events received from the SoftDevice. If a BLE event is relevant to the BGQ module, it is used to update internal variables, process queued GATT requests and, if necessary, send errors to the application.

[in]p_ble_evtPointer to the BLE event.
[in]p_contextPointer to the BGQ instance.

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