nRF5 SDK v17.0.0
Data Fields
nrfx_spis_config_t Struct Reference

SPI peripheral device configuration data. More...

#include <nrfx_spis.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t miso_pin
 SPI MISO pin (optional). More...
uint32_t mosi_pin
 SPI MOSI pin (optional). More...
uint32_t sck_pin
 SPI SCK pin.
uint32_t csn_pin
 SPI CSN pin.
nrf_spis_mode_t mode
 SPI mode.
nrf_spis_bit_order_t bit_order
 SPI transaction bit order.
nrf_gpio_pin_pull_t csn_pullup
 CSN pin pull-up configuration.
nrf_gpio_pin_drive_t miso_drive
 MISO pin drive configuration.
uint8_t def
 Character clocked out in case of an ignored transaction.
uint8_t orc
 Character clocked out after an over-read of the transmit buffer.
uint8_t irq_priority
 Interrupt priority.

Detailed Description

SPI peripheral device configuration data.

Field Documentation

uint32_t nrfx_spis_config_t::miso_pin

SPI MISO pin (optional).

Set NRFX_SPIS_PIN_NOT_USED if this signal is not needed.

uint32_t nrfx_spis_config_t::mosi_pin

SPI MOSI pin (optional).

Set NRFX_SPIS_PIN_NOT_USED if this signal is not needed.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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