nRF5 SDK v17.0.0
Data Fields
nrf_radio_packet_conf_t Struct Reference

Packet configuration. More...

#include <nrf_radio.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t lflen
uint8_t s0len
uint8_t s1len
bool s1incl
uint8_t cilen
nrf_radio_preamble_length_t plen
bool crcinc
uint8_t termlen
uint8_t maxlen
uint8_t statlen
uint8_t balen
bool big_endian
bool whiteen

Detailed Description

Packet configuration.

Field Documentation

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::balen

Base address length in number of bytes.

bool nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::big_endian

On air endianness of packet.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::cilen

Length of code indicator - long range.

bool nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::crcinc

Indicates if LENGTH field contains CRC or not.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::lflen

Length on air of LENGTH field in number of bits.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::maxlen

Maximum length of packet payload.

nrf_radio_preamble_length_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::plen

Length of preamble on air. Decision point: TASKS_START task.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::s0len

Length on air of S0 field in number of bytes.

bool nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::s1incl

Include or exclude S1 field in RAM.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::s1len

Length on air of S1 field in number of bits.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::statlen

Static length in number of bytes.

uint8_t nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::termlen

Length of TERM field in Long Range operation.

bool nrf_radio_packet_conf_t::whiteen

Enable or disable packet whitening.

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