nRF5 SDK v16.0.0
Data Fields
tile_song_tps_module_t Struct Reference

#include <tile_song_module.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * pub_key
uint8_t useProgrammableSong
uint8_t tileSongBuffer [128+2]
struct song_info_cache_t song_info_cache
struct song_program_state_t state
int(* begin )(void)
int(* block_ready )(void)
int(* complete )(void)

Detailed Description

Tile Programmable Songs module.

Tile Lib supports the ability to update the find song over the air.

Field Documentation

int(* tile_song_tps_module_t::begin)(void)

Song Programming is starting.

int(* tile_song_tps_module_t::block_ready)(void)

A TPS block has been received. Write to nonvolatile storage. After writting, it is recommended to read back the data from flash in the tileSongBuffer. The reason is TileLib will check the CRC again after this call returns (song_block_done is called).

int(* tile_song_tps_module_t::complete)(void)

TPS has completed successfully

uint8_t* tile_song_tps_module_t::pub_key

Public key used for ECC signature verification Generating ECC keys: $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1 -out k.perm $ openssl ec -outform DER -in k.perm -noout -text

struct song_info_cache_t tile_song_tps_module_t::song_info_cache

Cache for information related to the currently loaded song

struct song_program_state_t tile_song_tps_module_t::state

Internal state used by TPS

uint8_t tile_song_tps_module_t::tileSongBuffer[128+2]

Buffer used to receive TPS Song data

uint8_t tile_song_tps_module_t::useProgrammableSong

If set to 0, it means the programmable song is currently not playable

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