nRF5 SDK v16.0.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
DFU Serial transports shared part

Shared part of Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layers using serial interface (UART, USB CDC ACM). More...


 DFU Serial UART transport
 Configuration for Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layer using UART.
 DFU Serial USB CDC ACM transport
 Configuration for Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layer using USB CDC ACM.

Data Structures

struct  nrf_dfu_serial_t
 DFU serial transport layer state. More...


#define NRF_SERIAL_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE   (sizeof(nrf_dfu_response_t))


typedef ret_code_t(* nrf_serial_rsp_func_t )(uint8_t const *p_data, uint32_t length)
typedef void(* nrf_serial_rx_buf_free_func_t )(void *p_buf)


void nrf_dfu_serial_on_packet_received (nrf_dfu_serial_t *p_transport, uint8_t const *p_data, uint32_t length)

Detailed Description

Shared part of Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport layers using serial interface (UART, USB CDC ACM).

Typedef Documentation

typedef ret_code_t(* nrf_serial_rsp_func_t)(uint8_t const *p_data, uint32_t length)

Prototype for function for sending response over serial DFU transport.

typedef void(* nrf_serial_rx_buf_free_func_t)(void *p_buf)

Prototype for function for freeing RX buffer.

Function is called when input data is processed.

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