Initial configuration of RFFE device

To introduce a device to nRF9160, the %XMIPIRFFEDEV AT command is given with the unique properties of the device.

The MIPI register content in registers 0x1C, 0x1D, and 0x1E can be found in the device datasheet. Select an ID number for the <dev_id> parameter of the %XMIPIRFFEDEV AT command.

The following command syntax is an example of the initial configuration of an RFFE device:


The command parameters and their values in the example are the following:

Table 1. Parameters in initial configuration example
Parameter name Parameter description Value in example Value description
<dev_id> Selectable identification number for the device. Non-zero. Valid range 1–255. The given dev_id is used with the XMIPIRFFECTRL AT command. 1  
<def_usid> A 4-bit default Unique Slave Identifier (USID) of the MIPI RF Front-End Control Interface (RFFE) device. Typically, 7 for antenna tuners (as suggested by MIPI). 6 The value from the MIPI register 0x1F [3:0].
<prod_id> An 8-bit PRODUCT_ID of the MIPI RFFE device. Only used if automatic reprogramming of the USID is needed. EXT_PRODUCT_ID is not supported. 41 The value from the MIPI register 0x1D [7:0].
<man_id> A 10-bit MANUFACTURER_ID of the MIPI RFFE device. Only used if automatic reprogramming of the USID is needed. 52 The value from the MIPI register 0x1E [7:0].
<pm_trig> An 8-bit content for PM_TRIG (address 0x1C) state. 184 Value to write to MIPI register 0x1C.

The MIPI RFFE bus supports 15 unique USID values. If the given device USID conflicts with any System in Package (SiP) internal USID, nRF9160 automatically reprograms the device USID to the first free value. This process requires a product ID and manufacturer ID defined in the %XMIPIRFFEDEV AT command.

For more information on introducing a device to nRF9160 using the %XMIPIRFFEDEV AT command, see SiP-external MIPIRFFE device introduction %XMIPIRFFEDEV in nRF91 AT Commands Reference Guide.