This anomaly applies to Revision 1, build codes CLAA-D00, QKAA-D00.
RADIO performance is degraded.
RADIO->POWER register is set to Disabled and then back to Enabled.
RADIO trim values in the device startup SystemInit() function are not reloaded.
/* Copy all the RADIO trim values from FICR into the target addresses.*/
uint32_t index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < 32ul && NRF_FICR_NS->TRIMCNF[index].ADDR != (uint32_t *)0xFFFFFFFFul; index++){
#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
/* IAR will complain about the order of volatile pointer accesses. */
#pragma diag_suppress=Pa082
if (((uint32_t)NRF_FICR_NS->TRIMCNF[index].ADDR & 0xFFFFF000ul) == (volatile uint32_t)NRF_RADIO_NS)
*((volatile uint32_t *)NRF_FICR_NS->TRIMCNF[index].ADDR) = NRF_FICR_NS->TRIMCNF[index].DATA;
#if defined ( __ICCARM__ )
#pragma diag_default=Pa082