nrfx 3.3
Data Fields
nrfx_spi_config_t Struct Reference

Configuration structure of the SPI master driver instance. More...

#include <nrfx_spi.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t sck_pin
 SCK pin number.
uint8_t mosi_pin
 MOSI pin number (optional).
uint8_t miso_pin
 MISO pin number (optional).
uint8_t ss_pin
 Slave Select pin number (optional).
uint8_t irq_priority
 Interrupt priority.
uint8_t orc
 Overrun character.
nrf_spi_frequency_t frequency
 SPI frequency.
nrf_spi_mode_t mode
 SPI mode.
nrf_spi_bit_order_t bit_order
 SPI bit order.
nrf_gpio_pin_pull_t miso_pull
 MISO pull up configuration.
bool skip_gpio_cfg
 Skip GPIO configuration of pins.
bool skip_psel_cfg
 Skip pin selection configuration.

Detailed Description

Configuration structure of the SPI master driver instance.

Field Documentation

◆ miso_pin

uint8_t nrfx_spi_config_t::miso_pin

MISO pin number (optional).

Set to NRFX_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED if this signal is not needed.

◆ mosi_pin

uint8_t nrfx_spi_config_t::mosi_pin

MOSI pin number (optional).

Set to NRFX_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED if this signal is not needed.

◆ orc

uint8_t nrfx_spi_config_t::orc

Overrun character.

This character is used when all bytes from the TX buffer are sent, but the transfer continues due to RX.

◆ skip_gpio_cfg

bool nrfx_spi_config_t::skip_gpio_cfg

Skip GPIO configuration of pins.

When set to true, the driver does not modify any GPIO parameters of the used pins. Those parameters are supposed to be configured externally before the driver is initialized.

◆ skip_psel_cfg

bool nrfx_spi_config_t::skip_psel_cfg

Skip pin selection configuration.

When set to true, the driver does not modify pin select registers in the peripheral. Those registers are supposed to be set up externally before the driver is initialized.

When both GPIO configuration and pin selection are to be skipped, the structure fields that specify pins can be omitted, as they are ignored anyway. This does not apply to the ss_pin field.

◆ ss_pin

uint8_t nrfx_spi_config_t::ss_pin

Slave Select pin number (optional).

Set to NRFX_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED if this signal is not needed. The driver supports only active low for this signal. If the signal must be active high, it must be controlled externally.

Unlike the other fields that specify pin numbers, this one cannot be omitted when both GPIO configuration and pin selection are to be skipped, as the driver must control the signal as a regular GPIO.

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