nrfx 3.3
Macros | Functions
Core-dependent functionality

Module containing functions with core-dependent implementation, like delay. More...


 Core frequency (in MHz).
 Availability of Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) unit in the given SoC.
 Number of cycles consumed by one iteration of the internal loop in the function nrfx_coredep_delay_us.


NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_coredep_delay_us (uint32_t time_us)
 Function for delaying execution for a number of microseconds.

Detailed Description

Module containing functions with core-dependent implementation, like delay.

Macro Definition Documentation



Number of cycles consumed by one iteration of the internal loop in the function nrfx_coredep_delay_us.

This value can be specified externally (for example, when the SoC is emulated).

Function Documentation

◆ nrfx_coredep_delay_us()

NRF_STATIC_INLINE void nrfx_coredep_delay_us ( uint32_t  time_us)

Function for delaying execution for a number of microseconds.

The value of time_us is multiplied by the CPU frequency in MHz. Therefore, the delay is limited to the maximum value of the uint32_t type divided by the frequency.

See also
time_usNumber of microseconds to wait.

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