nrfx 3.3
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Common module

Common module. More...


#define NRFX_CHECK(module_enabled)   NRFX_IS_ENABLED(module_enabled)
 Macro for checking if the specified identifier is defined and it has a non-zero value.
#define NRFX_API_VER_AT_LEAST(major, minor, micro)
 Macro for checking if the configured API version is greater than or equal to the specified API version.
#define NRFX_BIT(x)   (1UL << (x))
 Macro for creating unsigned integer with bit position x set.
#define NRFX_BIT_MASK(x)   (((x) == 32) ? UINT32_MAX : ((1UL << (x)) - 1))
 Macro for returning bit mask or 0 if x is 0.
#define NRFX_BIT_SIZE(x)   ((x) << 3)
 Macro for returning size in bits for given size in bytes.
#define NRFX_CONCAT_2(p1, p2)   NRFX_CONCAT_2_(p1, p2)
 Macro for concatenating two tokens in macro expansion.
#define NRFX_CONCAT_2_(p1, p2)   p1 ## p2
 Internal macro used by NRFX_CONCAT_2 to perform the expansion in two steps.
#define NRFX_CONCAT_3(p1, p2, p3)   NRFX_CONCAT_3_(p1, p2, p3)
 Macro for concatenating three tokens in macro expansion.
#define NRFX_CONCAT_3_(p1, p2, p3)   p1 ## p2 ## p3
 Internal macro used by NRFX_CONCAT_3 to perform the expansion in two steps.
#define NRFX_ABS(a)   ((a) < (0) ? -(a) : (a))
 Macro for computing the absolute value of an integer number.
#define NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT(periph_name, feature_name)
 Macro for checking whether any of the instance of the specified peripheral supports a given feature.
#define NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, macro, sep, off_code, ...)
 Macro for resolving provided user macro for enabled instances of a driver.
#define NRFX_FOREACH_PRESENT(periph_name, macro, sep, off_code, ...)
 Macro for resolving provided user macro for present instances of a peripheral.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_CONCAT(periph_name, prefix, i, macro, ...)    macro(NRFX_CONCAT(periph_name, prefix, i), __VA_ARGS__)
 Macro for resolving provided user macro on concatenated peripheral name and instance index.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_ENUM_LIST(periph_name)    NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_INST_ENUM, (), ())
 Macro for creating a content for enum which is listing enabled driver instances.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS(periph_name, periph_name_small)    NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER, (), (), periph_name_small)
 Macro for creating an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS_EXT(periph_name, periph_name_small, ext_macro)    NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_EXT, (), (), periph_name_small, ext_macro)
 Macro for creating an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances with the specified extra parameter.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS_DECLARE(periph_name, periph_name_small)    NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_DECLARE, (), (), periph_name_small)
 Macro for declaring an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances.
#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS_LIST(periph_name, periph_name_small)    NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_LIST, (), (), periph_name_small)
 Macro for generating comma-separated list of interrupt handlers for all enabled driver instances.
 Macro for checking if given peripheral instance is present on the target.
#define NRFX_MIN(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
 Macro for getting the smaller value between two arguments.
#define NRFX_MAX(a, b)   ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
 Macro for getting the larger value between two arguments.
#define NRFX_IN_RANGE(val, min, max)   ((val) >= (min) && (val) <= (max))
 Macro for checking if a given value is in a given range.
#define NRFX_ROUNDED_DIV(a, b)    ((((a) < 0) ^ ((b) < 0)) ? (((a) - (b) / 2) / (b)) : (((a) + (b) / 2) / (b)))
 Macro for performing rounded integer division (as opposed to truncating the result).
#define NRFX_CEIL_DIV(a, b)   ((((a) - 1) / (b)) + 1)
 Macro for performing integer division, making sure the result is rounded up.
#define NRFX_ARRAY_SIZE(array)   (sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]))
 Macro for getting the number of elements in an array.
#define NRFX_OFFSETOF(type, member)   ((size_t) & (((type *)0)->member))
 Macro for getting the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of a structure of the specified type to its specified member.
#define NRFX_IS_POWER_OF_TWO(val)   (((val) != 0) && ((val) & ((val) - 1)) == 0)
 Macro for checking whether given number is power of 2.
#define NRFX_IS_EVEN(val)   (((val) % 2) == 0)
 Macro for checking whether a given number is even.
#define NRFX_EASYDMA_LENGTH_VALIDATE(peripheral, length1, length2)
 Macro for checking if given lengths of EasyDMA transfers do not exceed the limit of the specified peripheral.
#define NRFX_WAIT_FOR(condition, attempts, delay_us, result)
 Macro for waiting until condition is met.
#define NRFX_PERIPHERAL_ID_GET(base_addr)   (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)(base_addr) >> 12) & 0x000001FF)
 Macro for getting the ID number of the specified peripheral.
#define NRFX_IRQ_NUMBER_GET(base_addr)   NRFX_PERIPHERAL_ID_GET(base_addr)
 Macro for getting the interrupt number assigned to a specific peripheral.
#define NRFX_KHZ_TO_HZ(freq)   ((freq) * 1000)
 Macro for converting frequency in kHz to Hz.
#define NRFX_MHZ_TO_HZ(freq)   ((freq) * 1000 * 1000)
 Macro for converting frequency in MHz to Hz.


typedef void(* nrfx_irq_handler_t) (void)
 IRQ handler type.


enum  nrfx_drv_state_t {
 Driver state. More...


__STATIC_INLINE bool nrfx_is_in_ram (void const *p_object)
 Function for checking if an object is placed in the Data RAM region.
__STATIC_INLINE bool nrfx_is_word_aligned (void const *p_object)
 Function for checking if an object is aligned to a 32-bit word.
__STATIC_INLINE IRQn_Type nrfx_get_irq_number (void const *p_reg)
 Function for getting the interrupt number for the specified peripheral.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_bitpos_to_event (uint32_t bit)
 Function for converting an INTEN register bit position to the corresponding event identifier.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_event_to_bitpos (uint32_t event)
 Function for converting an event identifier to the corresponding INTEN register bit position.

Detailed Description

Common module.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NRFX_ABS (   a)    ((a) < (0) ? -(a) : (a))

Macro for computing the absolute value of an integer number.

[in]aInput value.
Absolute value.


#define NRFX_API_VER_AT_LEAST (   major,
((NRFX_CONFIG_API_VER_MAJOR >= (major)) && \
(NRFX_CONFIG_API_VER_MINOR >= (minor)) && \
Symbol specifying micro version of the nrfx API to be used.
Definition: nrfx_common_dox_config.h:14
Symbol specifying minor version of the nrfx API to be used.
Definition: nrfx_common_dox_config.h:11
Symbol specifying major version of the nrfx API to be used.
Definition: nrfx_common_dox_config.h:8

Macro for checking if the configured API version is greater than or equal to the specified API version.

API version to be used is configured using following symbols:
[in]majorMajor API version.
[in]minorMinor API version.
[in]microMicro API version.
Return values
trueConfigured API version is greater than or equal to the specified API version.
falseConfigured API version is smaller than the specified API version.


#define NRFX_ARRAY_SIZE (   array)    (sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]))

Macro for getting the number of elements in an array.

[in]arrayName of the array.
Array element count.


#define NRFX_BIT (   x)    (1UL << (x))

Macro for creating unsigned integer with bit position x set.

[in]xBit position to be set.
Unsigned integer with requested bit position set.


#define NRFX_BIT_MASK (   x)    (((x) == 32) ? UINT32_MAX : ((1UL << (x)) - 1))

Macro for returning bit mask or 0 if x is 0.

[in]xBit mask size. Bit mask has bits 0 through x-1 (inclusive) set.
Bit mask.


#define NRFX_BIT_SIZE (   x)    ((x) << 3)

Macro for returning size in bits for given size in bytes.

[in]xSize in bytes.
Size in bits.


#define NRFX_CEIL_DIV (   a,
)    ((((a) - 1) / (b)) + 1)

Macro for performing integer division, making sure the result is rounded up.

A typical use case for this macro is to compute the number of objects with size b required to hold a number of bytes.

Integer result of dividing a by b, rounded up.


#define NRFX_CHECK (   module_enabled)    NRFX_IS_ENABLED(module_enabled)

Macro for checking if the specified identifier is defined and it has a non-zero value.

Normally, preprocessors treat all undefined identifiers as having the value zero. However, some tools, like static code analyzers, can issue a warning when such identifier is evaluated. This macro gives the possibility to suppress such warnings only in places where this macro is used for evaluation, not in the whole analyzed code.


#define NRFX_CONCAT_2 (   p1,
)    NRFX_CONCAT_2_(p1, p2)

Macro for concatenating two tokens in macro expansion.

This macro is expanded in two steps so that tokens given as macros themselves are fully expanded before they are merged.
[in]p1First token.
[in]p2Second token.
The two tokens merged into one, unless they cannot together form a valid token (in such case, the preprocessor issues a warning and does not perform the concatenation).
See also


#define NRFX_CONCAT_3 (   p1,
)    NRFX_CONCAT_3_(p1, p2, p3)

Macro for concatenating three tokens in macro expansion.

This macro is expanded in two steps so that tokens given as macros themselves are fully expanded before they are merged.
[in]p1First token.
[in]p2Second token.
[in]p3Third token.
The three tokens merged into one, unless they cannot together form a valid token (in such case, the preprocessor issues a warning and does not perform the concatenation).
See also


#define NRFX_EASYDMA_LENGTH_VALIDATE (   peripheral,
(((length1) < (1U << NRFX_CONCAT_2(peripheral, _EASYDMA_MAXCNT_SIZE))) && \
((length2) < (1U << NRFX_CONCAT_2(peripheral, _EASYDMA_MAXCNT_SIZE))))
#define NRFX_CONCAT_2(p1, p2)
Macro for concatenating two tokens in macro expansion.
Definition: nrfx_common.h:134

Macro for checking if given lengths of EasyDMA transfers do not exceed the limit of the specified peripheral.

[in]peripheralPeripheral to check the lengths against.
[in]length1First length to be checked.
[in]length2Second length to be checked (pass 0 if not needed).
Return values
trueThe length of buffers does not exceed the limit of the specified peripheral.
falseThe length of buffers exceeds the limit of the specified peripheral.


#define NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT (   periph_name,
_NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT(periph_name, feature_name, 256), \
_NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT(NRFX_CONCAT(periph_name, 0), feature_name, 100), \
_NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT(NRFX_CONCAT(periph_name, 00), feature_name, 10) \
), \
(0), (1))
#define NRFX_CONCAT(...)
Macro for concatenating multiple arguments.
Definition: nrfx_utils.h:168
#define NRFX_COND_CODE_0(_flag, _if_0_code, _else_code)
Macro for inserting code depending on whether _flag exists and expands to 0 or not.
Definition: nrfx_utils.h:73

Macro for checking whether any of the instance of the specified peripheral supports a given feature.

Macro checks flags set in <device>_peripherals.h file.

Macro supports check on instances with following names:

  • <periph_name>0 - <periph_name>255 - e.g. SPIM0, SPIM255
  • <periph_name>00 - <periph_name>099 - e.g. SPIM00, SPIM099
  • <periph_name>000 - <periph_name>009 - e.g. SPIM000, SPIM009
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]feature_nameFeature flag name suffix following an instance name, e.g. _FEATURE_HARDWARE_CSN_PRESENT.
Return values
1At least one instance on current device supports a given feature.
0None of peripheral instances supports a given feature.


#define NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED (   periph_name,
off_code, periph_name, , macro, __VA_ARGS__) NRFX_DEBRACKET sep \
off_code, periph_name, 0, macro, __VA_ARGS__) NRFX_DEBRACKET sep \
off_code, periph_name, 00, macro, __VA_ARGS__)
#define NRFX_LISTIFY(LEN, F, sep,...)
Macro for generating a sequence of code with configurable separator.
Definition: nrfx_utils.h:126

Macro for resolving provided user macro for enabled instances of a driver.

Macro checks if driver instances are enabled for all potential instaces of a peripheral. It takes peripheral name and checks whether NRFX_<peripheral><id>_ENABLED is set to 1 and if yes then provided macro is evaluated for given instance.

Macro supports check on instances with following names:

  • <periph_name>0 - <periph_name>255 - e.g. SPIM0, SPIM255
  • <periph_name>00 - <periph_name>099 - e.g. SPIM00, SPIM099
  • <periph_name>000 - <periph_name>009 - e.g. SPIM000, SPIM009
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]macroMacro which is resolved if driver instance is enabled. Macro has following arguments: macro(periph_name, prefix, i, ...).
[in]sepSeparator added between all evaluations, in parentheses.
[in]off_codeCode injected for disabled instances, in parentheses.


#define NRFX_FOREACH_PRESENT (   periph_name,
off_code, periph_name, , macro, __VA_ARGS__) NRFX_DEBRACKET sep \
off_code, periph_name, 0, macro, __VA_ARGS__) NRFX_DEBRACKET sep \
off_code, periph_name, 00, macro, __VA_ARGS__) NRFX_DEBRACKET sep \
_NRFX_EVAL_IF_PRESENT(, off_code, periph_name, , macro, __VA_ARGS__)

Macro for resolving provided user macro for present instances of a peripheral.

Macro checks if peripheral instances are present by checking if there is a token NRF_<periph_name><id> defined with wrapped in parenthesis value.

Macro supports check on instances with following names:

  • <periph_name>0 - <periph_name>255 - e.g. SPIM0, SPIM255
  • <periph_name>00 - <periph_name>099 - e.g. SPIM00, SPIM099
  • <periph_name>000 - <periph_name>009 - e.g. SPIM000, SPIM009
  • <periph_name> - e.g. SPIM
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]macroMacro which is resolved if peripheral instance is present. Macro has following arguments: macro(periph_name, prefix, i, ...).
[in]sepSeparator added between all evaluations, in parentheses.
[in]off_codeCode injected for disabled instances, in parentheses.


#define NRFX_IN_RANGE (   val,
)    ((val) >= (min) && (val) <= (max))

Macro for checking if a given value is in a given range.

val is evaluated twice.
[in]valA value to be checked.
[in]minThe lower bound (inclusive).
[in]maxThe upper bound (inclusive).
Return values
trueThe value is in the given range.
falseThe value is out of the given range.


#define NRFX_INSTANCE_CONCAT (   periph_name,
)     macro(NRFX_CONCAT(periph_name, prefix, i), __VA_ARGS__)

Macro for resolving provided user macro on concatenated peripheral name and instance index.

Execute provided macro with single argument <instance> that is the concatenation of periph_name, prefix and i.

[in]iInstance index.
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]prefixPrefix added before instance index, e.g. some device has instances named like SPIM00. First 0 is passed here as prefix.
[in]macroMacro which is executed.
[in]...Variable length arguments passed to the macro. Macro has following arguments: macro(instance, ...).


#define NRFX_INSTANCE_ENUM_LIST (   periph_name)     NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_INST_ENUM, (), ())

Macro for creating a content for enum which is listing enabled driver instances.

It creates comma separated list of entries like NRFX_<instance_name>INST_IDX, e.g. (NRFX_SPIM0_INST_IDX) for all enabled instances (NRFX<instance_name>_ENABLED is set to 1). It should be called within enum declaration. Created enum is used by the driver to index all enabled instances of the driver.

[in]periph_namePeripheral name (e.g. SPIM).


#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS (   periph_name,
)     NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER, (), (), periph_name_small)

Macro for creating an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances.

Macro creates a set of functions which calls generic irq_handler function with two parameters:

  • peripheral instance register pointer
  • pointer to a control block structure associated with the given instance

Generic interrupt handler function with above mentioned parameters named irq_handler must be implemented in the driver.

Handlers are using enum which should be generated using NRFX_INSTANCE_ENUM_LIST.
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]periph_name_smallPeripheral name written with small letters, e.g. spim.


)     NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_DECLARE, (), (), periph_name_small)

Macro for declaring an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances.

Macro creates set of function declarations. It is intended to be used in the driver header.

[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]periph_name_smallPeripheral name written with small letters, e.g. spim.


#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS_EXT (   periph_name,
)     NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_EXT, (), (), periph_name_small, ext_macro)

Macro for creating an interrupt handler for all enabled driver instances with the specified extra parameter.

Macro creates set of function which calls generic irq_handler function with three parameters:

  • peripheral instance register pointer
  • pointer to a control block structure associated with the given instance
  • provided ext_macro called with peripheral name suffix (e.g. 01 for TIMER01)

Generic interrupt handler function with above mentioned parameters named irq_handler must be implemented in the driver.

Handlers are using enum which should be generated using NRFX_INSTANCE_ENUM_LIST.
[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]periph_name_smallPeripheral name written with small letters, e.g. rtc.
[in]ext_macroExternal macro to be executed for each instance.


#define NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS_LIST (   periph_name,
)     NRFX_FOREACH_ENABLED(periph_name, _NRFX_IRQ_HANDLER_LIST, (), (), periph_name_small)

Macro for generating comma-separated list of interrupt handlers for all enabled driver instances.

Interrupt handlers are generated using NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS. It is intended to be used to create a list which is used for passing an interrupt handler function to the PRS driver.

[in]periph_namePeripheral name, e.g. SPIM.
[in]periph_name_smallPeripheral name written with small letters, e.g. spim.



Macro for checking if given peripheral instance is present on the target.

Macro utilizes the fact that for each existing instance a define is created which points to the memory mapped register set casted to a register set structure. It is wrapped in parenthesis and existance of parethesis wrapping is used to determine if instance exists. It if does not exist then token (e.g. NRF_SPIM10) is undefined so it does not have parenthesis wrapping.

Since macro returns literal 1 it can be used by other macros.

[in]_instInstance, .e.g SPIM10.
Return values
1If instance is present.
0If instance is not present.


#define NRFX_IRQ_NUMBER_GET (   base_addr)    NRFX_PERIPHERAL_ID_GET(base_addr)

Macro for getting the interrupt number assigned to a specific peripheral.

For peripherals in Nordic SoCs, the IRQ number assigned to a peripheral is equal to its ID number. See the chapter "Peripheral interface" (sections "Peripheral ID" and "Interrupts") in the Product Specification.

[in]base_addrPeripheral base address or pointer.
Interrupt number associated with the specified peripheral.


#define NRFX_IS_EVEN (   val)    (((val) % 2) == 0)

Macro for checking whether a given number is even.

[in]valTested value.
Return values
trueThe value is even.
falseThe value is odd.


#define NRFX_IS_POWER_OF_TWO (   val)    (((val) != 0) && ((val) & ((val) - 1)) == 0)

Macro for checking whether given number is power of 2.

[in]valTested value.
Return values
trueThe value is power of 2.
falseThe value is not power of 2.


#define NRFX_KHZ_TO_HZ (   freq)    ((freq) * 1000)

Macro for converting frequency in kHz to Hz.

[in]freqFrequency value in kHz.
Number of Hz in freq kHz.


#define NRFX_MAX (   a,
)    ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

Macro for getting the larger value between two arguments.

[in]aFirst argument.
[in]bSecond argument.
Larger value between two arguments.


#define NRFX_MHZ_TO_HZ (   freq)    ((freq) * 1000 * 1000)

Macro for converting frequency in MHz to Hz.

[in]freqFrequency value in MHz.
Number of Hz in freq MHz.


#define NRFX_MIN (   a,
)    ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

Macro for getting the smaller value between two arguments.

[in]aFirst argument.
[in]bSecond argument.
Smaller value between two arguments.


#define NRFX_OFFSETOF (   type,
)    ((size_t) & (((type *)0)->member))

Macro for getting the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of a structure of the specified type to its specified member.

[in]typeStructure type.
[in]memberStructure member whose offset is searched for.
Member offset in bytes.


#define NRFX_PERIPHERAL_ID_GET (   base_addr)    (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)(base_addr) >> 12) & 0x000001FF)

Macro for getting the ID number of the specified peripheral.

For peripherals in Nordic SoCs, there is a direct relationship between their ID numbers and their base addresses. See the chapter "Peripheral interface" (section "Peripheral ID") in the Product Specification.

[in]base_addrPeripheral base address or pointer.
ID number associated with the specified peripheral.


#define NRFX_ROUNDED_DIV (   a,
)     ((((a) < 0) ^ ((b) < 0)) ? (((a) - (b) / 2) / (b)) : (((a) + (b) / 2) / (b)))

Macro for performing rounded integer division (as opposed to truncating the result).

Rounded (integer) result of dividing a by b.


#define NRFX_WAIT_FOR (   condition,
do { \
result = false; \
uint32_t remaining_attempts = (attempts); \
do { \
if (condition) \
{ \
result = true; \
break; \
} \
NRFX_DELAY_US(delay_us); \
} while (--remaining_attempts); \
} while(0)

Macro for waiting until condition is met.

[in]conditionCondition to meet.
[in]attemptsMaximum number of condition checks. Must not be 0.
[in]delay_usDelay between consecutive checks, in microseconds.
[out]resultBoolean variable to store the result of the wait process. Set to true if the condition is met or false otherwise.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ nrfx_drv_state_t

Driver state.




Initialized but powered off.


Initialized and powered on.

Function Documentation

◆ nrfx_bitpos_to_event()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_bitpos_to_event ( uint32_t  bit)

Function for converting an INTEN register bit position to the corresponding event identifier.

The event identifier is the offset between the event register address and the peripheral base address, and is equal (thus, can be directly cast) to the corresponding value of the enumerated type from HAL (nrf_*_event_t).

[in]bitINTEN register bit position.
Event identifier.
See also

◆ nrfx_event_to_bitpos()

__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_event_to_bitpos ( uint32_t  event)

Function for converting an event identifier to the corresponding INTEN register bit position.

The event identifier is the offset between the event register address and the peripheral base address, and is equal (thus, can be directly cast) to the corresponding value of the enumerated type from HAL (nrf_*_event_t).

[in]eventEvent identifier.
INTEN register bit position.
See also

◆ nrfx_get_irq_number()

__STATIC_INLINE IRQn_Type nrfx_get_irq_number ( void const *  p_reg)

Function for getting the interrupt number for the specified peripheral.

[in]p_regPeripheral base pointer.
Interrupt number associated with the pointed peripheral.

◆ nrfx_is_in_ram()

__STATIC_INLINE bool nrfx_is_in_ram ( void const *  p_object)

Function for checking if an object is placed in the Data RAM region.

Several peripherals (the ones using EasyDMA) require the transfer buffers to be placed in the Data RAM region. This function can be used to check if this condition is met.

[in]p_objectPointer to an object whose location is to be checked.
Return values
trueThe pointed object is located in the Data RAM region.
falseThe pointed object is not located in the Data RAM region.

◆ nrfx_is_word_aligned()

__STATIC_INLINE bool nrfx_is_word_aligned ( void const *  p_object)

Function for checking if an object is aligned to a 32-bit word.

Several peripherals (the ones using EasyDMA) require the transfer buffers to be aligned to a 32-bit word. This function can be used to check if this condition is met.

[in]p_objectPointer to an object whose location is to be checked.
Return values
trueThe pointed object is aligned to a 32-bit word.
falseThe pointed object is not aligned to a 32-bit word.

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