nrfx 3.3
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
ADC driver

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral driver. More...


 ADC peripheral driver configuration

Data Structures

struct  nrfx_adc_done_evt_t
 ADC driver DONE event structure. More...
struct  nrfx_adc_sample_evt_t
 SAMPLE event structure. More...
struct  nrfx_adc_evt_t
 ADC driver event. More...
struct  nrfx_adc_channel_s
 ADC channel. More...
struct  nrfx_adc_config_t
 ADC configuration. More...


#define NRFX_ADC_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(analog_input)
 ADC channel default configuration.
 ADC default configuration.


typedef struct nrfx_adc_channel_s nrfx_adc_channel_t
 Forward declaration of the nrfx_adc_channel_t type.
typedef void(* nrfx_adc_event_handler_t) (nrfx_adc_evt_t const *p_event)
 User event handler prototype.


enum  nrfx_adc_evt_type_t {
 Driver event types. More...


nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_init (nrfx_adc_config_t const *p_config, nrfx_adc_event_handler_t event_handler)
 Function for initializing the ADC.
void nrfx_adc_uninit (void)
 Function for uninitializing the ADC.
bool nrfx_adc_init_check (void)
 Function for checking if the ADC driver is initialized.
void nrfx_adc_channel_enable (nrfx_adc_channel_t *const p_channel)
 Function for enabling an ADC channel.
void nrfx_adc_channel_disable (nrfx_adc_channel_t *const p_channel)
 Function for disabling an ADC channel.
void nrfx_adc_all_channels_disable (void)
 Function for disabling all ADC channels.
void nrfx_adc_sample (void)
 Function for starting ADC sampling.
nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_sample_convert (nrfx_adc_channel_t const *p_channel, nrf_adc_value_t *p_value)
 Function for executing a single ADC conversion.
nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_buffer_convert (nrf_adc_value_t *buffer, uint16_t size)
 Function for converting data to the buffer.
bool nrfx_adc_is_busy (void)
 Function for retrieving the ADC state.
NRFX_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_adc_start_task_get (void)
 Function for getting the address of the ADC START task.

Detailed Description

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NRFX_ADC_DEFAULT_CHANNEL (   analog_input)
{ \
{ \
.resolution = NRF_ADC_CONFIG_RES_10BIT, \
.reference = NRF_ADC_CONFIG_REF_VBG, \
.input = (nrf_adc_config_input_t)analog_input, \
} \
Input selection of the analog-to-digital converter.
Definition: nrf_adc.h:65
Definition: nrf_adc.h:31
Definition: nrf_adc.h:49
Definition: nrf_adc.h:38
Definition: nrf_adc.h:57

ADC channel default configuration.

This configuration sets up ADC channel with the following options:

  • 10 bits resolution
  • full scale input
  • reference voltage: 1.2 V
  • external reference input disabled
[in]analog_inputAnalog input.


{ \

ADC default configuration.

Typedef Documentation

◆ nrfx_adc_event_handler_t

typedef void(* nrfx_adc_event_handler_t) (nrfx_adc_evt_t const *p_event)

User event handler prototype.

This function is called when the requested number of samples has been processed.


Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ nrfx_adc_evt_type_t

Driver event types.


Event generated when the buffer is filled with samples.


Event generated when the requested channel is sampled.

Function Documentation

◆ nrfx_adc_all_channels_disable()

void nrfx_adc_all_channels_disable ( void  )

Function for disabling all ADC channels.

This function can be called only when there is no conversion in progress (the ADC is not busy).

◆ nrfx_adc_buffer_convert()

nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_buffer_convert ( nrf_adc_value_t buffer,
uint16_t  size 

Function for converting data to the buffer.

If the driver is initialized in non-blocking mode, this function returns when the first conversion is set up. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified by the event handler. If the driver is initialized in blocking mode, the function returns when the buffer is filled.

Conversion is done on all enabled channels, but it is not triggered by this function. This function will prepare the ADC for sampling and then wait for the SAMPLE task. Sampling can be triggered manually by the nrfx_adc_sample function or by PPI using the NRF_ADC_TASK_START task.

If more than one channel is enabled, the function emulates scanning, and a single START task will trigger conversion on all enabled channels. For example: If 3 channels are enabled and the user requests 6 samples, the completion event handler will be called after 2 START tasks.
The application must adjust the sampling frequency. The maximum frequency depends on the sampling timer and the maximum latency of the ADC interrupt. If an interrupt is not handled before the next sampling is triggered, the sample will be lost.
[in]bufferResult buffer.
[in]sizeBuffer size in samples.
Return values
NRFX_SUCCESSConversion was successful.
NRFX_ERROR_BUSYThe driver is busy.

◆ nrfx_adc_channel_disable()

void nrfx_adc_channel_disable ( nrfx_adc_channel_t *const  p_channel)

Function for disabling an ADC channel.

This function can be called only when there is no conversion in progress (the ADC is not busy).

p_channelPointer to the channel instance.

◆ nrfx_adc_channel_enable()

void nrfx_adc_channel_enable ( nrfx_adc_channel_t *const  p_channel)

Function for enabling an ADC channel.

This function configures and enables the channel. When nrfx_adc_buffer_convert is called, all channels that have been enabled with this function are sampled.

This function can be called only when there is no conversion in progress (the ADC is not busy).

The channel instance variable p_channel is used by the driver as an item in a list. Therefore, it cannot be an automatic variable that is located on the stack.
[in]p_channelPointer to the channel instance.

◆ nrfx_adc_init()

nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_init ( nrfx_adc_config_t const *  p_config,
nrfx_adc_event_handler_t  event_handler 

Function for initializing the ADC.

If a valid event handler is provided, the driver is initialized in non-blocking mode. If event_handler is NULL, the driver works in blocking mode.

[in]p_configPointer to the structure with the initial configuration.
[in]event_handlerEvent handler provided by the user.
Return values
NRFX_SUCCESSInitialization was successful.
NRFX_ERROR_ALREADYThe driver is already initialized.
NRFX_ERROR_INVALID_STATEThe driver is already initialized. Deprecated - use NRFX_ERROR_ALREADY instead.

◆ nrfx_adc_init_check()

bool nrfx_adc_init_check ( void  )

Function for checking if the ADC driver is initialized.

Return values
trueDriver is already initialized.
falseDriver is not initialized.

◆ nrfx_adc_is_busy()

bool nrfx_adc_is_busy ( void  )

Function for retrieving the ADC state.

Return values
trueThe ADC is busy.
falseThe ADC is ready.

◆ nrfx_adc_sample()

void nrfx_adc_sample ( void  )

Function for starting ADC sampling.

This function triggers single ADC sampling. If more than one channel is enabled, the driver emulates scanning and all channels are sampled in the order they were enabled.

◆ nrfx_adc_sample_convert()

nrfx_err_t nrfx_adc_sample_convert ( nrfx_adc_channel_t const *  p_channel,
nrf_adc_value_t p_value 

Function for executing a single ADC conversion.

This function selects the desired input and starts a single conversion. If a valid pointer is provided for the result, the function blocks until the conversion is completed. Otherwise, the function returns when the conversion is started, and the result is provided in an event (driver must be initialized in non-blocking mode, otherwise an assertion will fail). The function will fail if ADC is busy. The channel does not need to be enabled to perform a single conversion.

[out]p_valuePointer to the location where the result is to be placed. Unless NULL is provided, the function is blocking.
Return values
NRFX_SUCCESSConversion was successful.
NRFX_ERROR_BUSYThe ADC driver is busy.

◆ nrfx_adc_start_task_get()

NRFX_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrfx_adc_start_task_get ( void  )

Function for getting the address of the ADC START task.

This function is used to get the address of the START task, which can be used to trigger ADC conversion.

Start task address.

◆ nrfx_adc_uninit()

void nrfx_adc_uninit ( void  )

Function for uninitializing the ADC.

This function stops all ongoing conversions and disables all channels.

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