nrfx 2.10
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cnrf_adc_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter configuration
 Cnrf_ccm_config_tCCM configuration
 Cnrf_comp_ref_conf_tCOMP reference configuration
 Cnrf_comp_th_tCOMP THDOWN and THUP values that are used to calculate the threshold voltages VDOWN and VUP
 Cnrf_lpcomp_config_tLPCOMP configuration
 Cnrf_pwm_sequence_tStructure for defining a sequence of PWM duty cycles
 Cnrf_pwm_values_grouped_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_GROUPED mode
 Cnrf_pwm_values_individual_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_INDIVIDUAL mode
 Cnrf_pwm_values_tUnion grouping pointers to arrays of duty cycle values applicable to various loading modes
 Cnrf_pwm_values_wave_form_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_WAVE_FORM mode
 Cnrf_qspi_addrconfig_conf_tAddressing mode register configuration. See nrf_qspi_addrconfig_set
 Cnrf_qspi_cinstr_conf_tCustom instruction configuration
 Cnrf_qspi_encryption_tQSPI encryption settings for XIP and DMA transfers
 Cnrf_qspi_phy_conf_tQSPI physical interface configuration
 Cnrf_qspi_pins_tPin configuration
 Cnrf_qspi_prot_conf_tStructure with QSPI protocol interface configuration
 Cnrf_radio_cteinline_conf_tConfiguration for CTE inline mode
 Cnrf_radio_dfectrl_conf_tDirection finding configuration
 Cnrf_radio_packet_conf_tPacket configuration
 Cnrf_saadc_channel_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter channel configuration structure
 Cnrf_saadc_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter configuration structure
 Cnrf_uart_config_tStructure for UART transmission configuration
 Cnrf_uarte_config_tStructure for UARTE transmission configuration
 Cnrfx_adc_channel_sADC channel
 Cnrfx_adc_config_tADC configuration
 Cnrfx_adc_done_evt_tADC driver DONE event structure
 Cnrfx_adc_evt_tADC driver event
 Cnrfx_adc_sample_evt_tSAMPLE event structure
 Cnrfx_comp_config_tCOMP configuration
 Cnrfx_egu_tStructure for the EGU driver instance
 Cnrfx_gpiote_handler_config_tStructure for configuring a pin interrupt handler
 Cnrfx_gpiote_in_config_tInput pin configuration
 Cnrfx_gpiote_input_config_tStructure for configuring an input pin
 Cnrfx_gpiote_out_config_tOutput pin configuration
 Cnrfx_gpiote_output_config_tStructure for configuring an output pin
 Cnrfx_gpiote_task_config_tStructure for configuring a GPIOTE task
 Cnrfx_gpiote_trigger_config_tStructure for configuring pin interrupt/event
 Cnrfx_i2s_buffers_tI2S driver buffers structure
 Cnrfx_i2s_config_tI2S driver configuration structure
 Cnrfx_ipc_config_tIPC configuration structure
 Cnrfx_lpcomp_config_tLPCOMP configuration
 Cnrfx_nfct_config_tNFCT driver configuration structure
 Cnrfx_nfct_data_desc_tNFCT driver RX/TX buffer descriptor
 Cnrfx_nfct_evt_error_tStructure used to describe the NRFX_NFCT_EVT_ERROR event type
 Cnrfx_nfct_evt_rx_frameend_tStructure used to describe the NRFX_NFCT_EVT_RX_FRAMEEND event type
 Cnrfx_nfct_evt_tNFCT driver event
 Cnrfx_nfct_evt_tx_framestart_tStructure used to describe the NRFX_NFCT_EVT_TX_FRAMESTART event type
 Cnrfx_nfct_nfcid1_tNFCID1 descriptor
 Cnrfx_nfct_param_tNFCT driver parameter descriptor
 Cnrfx_pdm_config_tPDM interface driver configuration structure
 Cnrfx_pdm_evt_tPDM event structure
 Cnrfx_power_config_tGeneral power configuration
 Cnrfx_power_pofwarn_config_tThe configuration for power failure comparator
 Cnrfx_power_sleepevt_config_tThe configuration of sleep event processing
 Cnrfx_power_usbevt_config_tThe configuration of the USB-related power events
 Cnrfx_pwm_config_tPWM driver configuration structure
 Cnrfx_pwm_tPWM driver instance data structure
 Cnrfx_qdec_config_tQDEC configuration structure
 Cnrfx_qdec_event_tQDEC event handler structure
 Cnrfx_qdec_report_data_evt_tQDEC report event data
 Cnrfx_qdec_sample_data_evt_tQDEC sample event data
 Cnrfx_qspi_config_tQSPI driver instance configuration structure
 Cnrfx_qspi_evt_ext_erase_tQSPI driver erase event data
 Cnrfx_qspi_evt_ext_tQSPI driver extended event structure
 Cnrfx_qspi_evt_ext_xfer_tQSPI driver transfer event data
 Cnrfx_rng_config_tStruct for RNG configuration
 Cnrfx_rtc_config_tRTC driver instance configuration structure
 Cnrfx_rtc_tRTC driver instance structure
 Cnrfx_saadc_adv_config_tSAADC driver advanced mode configuration structure
 Cnrfx_saadc_channel_tSAADC channel configuration structure
 Cnrfx_saadc_done_evt_tSAADC driver done event data
 Cnrfx_saadc_evt_tSAADC driver event structure
 Cnrfx_saadc_limit_evt_tSAADC driver limit event data
 Cnrfx_spi_config_tConfiguration structure of the SPI master driver instance
 Cnrfx_spi_evt_tSPI master event description with transmission details
 Cnrfx_spi_tData structure of the Serial Peripheral Interface master (SPI) driver instance
 Cnrfx_spi_xfer_desc_tSingle transfer descriptor structure
 Cnrfx_spim_config_tConfiguration structure of the SPIM driver instance
 Cnrfx_spim_evt_tSPIM event description with transmission details
 Cnrfx_spim_tData structure of the Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA (SPIM) driver instance
 Cnrfx_spim_xfer_desc_tSingle transfer descriptor structure
 Cnrfx_spis_config_tSPI peripheral device configuration data
 Cnrfx_spis_evt_tSPI slave driver event structure
 Cnrfx_spis_tData structure for the Serial Peripheral Interface Slave with EasyDMA (SPIS) driver instance
 Cnrfx_systick_state_tThe value type that holds the SysTick state
 Cnrfx_temp_config_tStructure for TEMP configuration
 Cnrfx_timer_config_tThe configuration structure of the timer driver instance
 Cnrfx_timer_tTimer driver instance data structure
 Cnrfx_twi_config_tStructure for the configuration of the TWI master driver instance
 Cnrfx_twi_evt_tStructure for a TWI event
 Cnrfx_twi_tStructure for the TWI master driver instance
 Cnrfx_twi_xfer_desc_tStructure for a TWI transfer descriptor
 Cnrfx_twim_config_tStructure for the TWI master driver instance configuration
 Cnrfx_twim_evt_tStructure for a TWI event
 Cnrfx_twim_tStructure for the TWI master driver instance
 Cnrfx_twim_xfer_desc_tStructure for a TWI transfer descriptor
 Cnrfx_twis_config_tStructure for TWIS configuration
 Cnrfx_twis_evt_tTWIS driver event structure
 Cnrfx_twis_tTWIS driver instance data structure
 Cnrfx_uart_config_tStructure for the UART configuration
 Cnrfx_uart_error_evt_tStructure for the UART error event
 Cnrfx_uart_event_tStructure for the UART event
 Cnrfx_uart_tData structure of the UART driver instance
 Cnrfx_uart_xfer_evt_tStructure for the UART transfer completion event
 Cnrfx_uarte_config_tStructure for the UARTE configuration
 Cnrfx_uarte_error_evt_tStructure for UARTE error event
 Cnrfx_uarte_event_tStructure for UARTE event
 Cnrfx_uarte_tStructure for the UARTE driver instance
 Cnrfx_uarte_xfer_evt_tStructure for the UARTE transfer completion event
 Cnrfx_usbd_data_ptr_tUniversal data pointer
 Cnrfx_usbd_ep_transfer_tStructure to be filled with information about the next transfer
 Cnrfx_usbd_evt_tEvent structure
 Cnrfx_usbd_handler_desc_tUSBD transfer descriptor
 Cnrfx_usbd_handler_tUniversal transfer handler
 Cnrfx_usbd_setup_tSetup packet structure
 Cnrfx_usbd_transfer_tTotal transfer configuration
 Cnrfx_usbreg_config_tThe configuration of the USB-related power events
 Cnrfx_wdt_config_tStruct for WDT initialization
 Cnrfx_wdt_tData structure of the Watchdog (WDT) driver instance

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