nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
zb_zcl_tunneling_request_tunnel_s Struct Reference

RequestTunnel command payload More...

#include <zb_zcl_tunneling.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint8_t protocol_id
 An enumeration representing the identifier of the metering communication protocol for which the tunnel is requested. More...
zb_uint16_t manufacturer_code
 A code that is allocated by the Zigbee Alliance, relating the manufacturer to a device and – for the tunneling - a manufacturer specific protocol. The parameter is ignored when the ProtocolID value is less than 200. This allows for 55 manufacturer-defined protocols for each manufacturer to be defined. A value of 0xFFFF indicates that the Manufacturer Code is not used.
zb_bool_t flow_control_support
 A boolean type parameter that indicates whether flow control support is requested from the tunnel (ZB_TRUE) or not (ZB_FALSE). The default value is FALSE (no flow control).
zb_uint16_t max_incoming_transfer_size
 A value that defines the size, in octets, of the maximum data packet that can be transferred to the client in the payload of a single TransferData command.

Detailed Description

RequestTunnel command payload

See also
SE spec, subclause D.

Field Documentation

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_tunneling_request_tunnel_s::protocol_id

An enumeration representing the identifier of the metering communication protocol for which the tunnel is requested.

See also

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