nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
zb_zcl_price_price_matrix_sub_payload_s Struct Reference

#include <zb_zcl_price.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint8_t tier_block_id
zb_uint32_t price

Detailed Description

PriceMatrix Sub-Payload

See also
SE spec, subclause D.

Field Documentation

zb_uint32_t zb_zcl_price_price_matrix_sub_payload_s::price

This field holds the price information for the Block/TOU or TOU identified by the previous Tier/Block ID field.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_price_price_matrix_sub_payload_s::tier_block_id

The Tier/Block ID specifies the TOU Tier or the TOU Tier and Block that the subsequent Price field in the command applies to

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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