nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s Struct Reference

#include <zb_zcl_drlc.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint32_t issuer_event_id
zb_uint8_t event_status
zb_uint32_t event_status_time
zb_uint8_t criticality_level_applied
zb_uint16_t cooling_temperature_set_point_applied
zb_uint16_t heating_temperature_set_point_applied
zb_int8_t average_load_adjustment_percentage_applied
zb_uint8_t duty_cycle_applied
zb_uint8_t event_control
zb_uint8_t signature_type
zb_uint8_t signature [42]

Detailed Description

ReportEventStatus command payload

See also
SE spec, Figure D-5

Field Documentation

zb_int8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::average_load_adjustment_percentage_applied

Defines Average Load Adjustment Percentage value applied by the device. The value 0x80 means that this field has not been used by the end device.

zb_uint16_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::cooling_temperature_set_point_applied

Defines Cooling Temperature Set Point value applied by the device. The value 0x8000 means that this field has not been used by the end device.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::criticality_level_applied

Criticality Level value applied by the device

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::duty_cycle_applied

Defines the maximum on state duty cycle applied by the device. The value 0xFF means that this field has not been used by the end device.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::event_control

Identifies additional control options for the event.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::event_status

This field stores value from set of event statuses

zb_uint32_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::event_status_time

UTC Timestamp representing when the event status occurred. This field shall not use the value of 0x00000000.

zb_uint16_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::heating_temperature_set_point_applied

Defines Heating Temperature Set Point value applied by the device. The value 0x8000 means that this field has not been used by the end device.

zb_uint32_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::issuer_event_id

Unique identifier generated by the Energy provider. The value of this field allows matching of Event reports with a specific Demand Response and Load Control event.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::signature[42]

A non-repudiation signature created by using the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash function used in conjunction with ECDSA.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_report_event_status_payload_s::signature_type

This field is used to enumerate the type of algorithm use to create the signature.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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