nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s Struct Reference

#include <zb_zcl_drlc.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint32_t issuer_event_id
zb_uint16_t device_class
zb_uint8_t utility_enrollment_group
zb_uint8_t cancel_control
zb_uint32_t effective_time

Detailed Description

CancelLoadControlEvent command payload

See also
SE spec, Figure D-3

Field Documentation

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s::cancel_control

This field is used to indicate that the Event is currently in process and a cancel command is received.

zb_uint16_t zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s::device_class

Bit encoded field representing the Device Class to apply the current Load Control Event. Each bit, if set individually or in combination, indicates the class device(s) needing to participate in the event.

zb_uint32_t zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s::effective_time

UTC Timestamp representing when the canceling of the event is scheduled to start. An effective time of 0x00000000 is a special time denoting “now.”

zb_uint32_t zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s::issuer_event_id

Unique identifier generated by the Energy provider. The value of this field allows matching of Event reports with a specific Demand Response and Load Control event.

zb_uint8_t zb_zcl_drlc_cancel_lce_payload_s::utility_enrollment_group

This field can be used in conjunction with the Device Class bits for providing a mechanism to direct Load Control Events to groups of Devices.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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