nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
otPlatBleGapConnParams Struct Reference

#include <ble.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t mConnMinInterval
uint16_t mConnMaxInterval
uint16_t mConnSlaveLatency
uint16_t mConnSupervisionTimeout

Detailed Description

This structure represents BLE connection parameters.

Field Documentation

uint16_t otPlatBleGapConnParams::mConnMaxInterval

Preferred maximum connection interval in OT_BLE_TIMESLOT_UNIT units. Shall be in OT_BLE_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN and OT_BLE_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX range.

uint16_t otPlatBleGapConnParams::mConnMinInterval

Preferred minimum connection interval in OT_BLE_TIMESLOT_UNIT units. Shall be in OT_BLE_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN and OT_BLE_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX range.

uint16_t otPlatBleGapConnParams::mConnSlaveLatency

Slave Latency in number of connection events. Shall not exceed OT_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_MAX value.

uint16_t otPlatBleGapConnParams::mConnSupervisionTimeout

Defines connection timeout parameter in OT_BLE_CONN_SUPERVISOR_UNIT units. Shall be in OT_BLE_CONN_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_MIN and OT_BLE_CONN_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_MIN range.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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