nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
otCoapHeader Struct Reference

#include <coap.h>

Data Fields

union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   mVersionTypeToken
 The CoAP Version, Type, and Token Length.
      uint8_t   mCode
 The CoAP Code.
      uint16_t   mMessageId
 The CoAP Message ID.
   }   mFields
 Structure representing a CoAP base header.
   uint8_t   mBytes [128]
 The raw byte encoding for the CoAP header.
 The CoAP header encoding.
uint8_t mHeaderLength
 The CoAP header length (bytes)
uint16_t mOptionLast
 The last CoAP Option Number value.
uint16_t mFirstOptionOffset
 The byte offset for the first CoAP Option.
uint16_t mNextOptionOffset
 The byte offset for the next CoAP Option.
otCoapOption mOption
 A structure representing the current CoAP Option.

Detailed Description

This structure represents a CoAP header.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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