Smart Remote 3 nRF52 v1.2
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions

Generic Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport interface. More...


 DFU result codes
 When the DFU controller sends requests to the DFU bootloader on the DFU target, the DFU bootloader answers with any of these result codes.

Data Structures

struct  nrf_dfu_transport_t
 DFU transport registration. More...


#define DFU_TRANSPORT_REGISTER(trans_var)   NRF_SECTION_ITEM_REGISTER(dfu_trans, trans_var)
 Macro for registering a DFU transport by using section variables. More...


typedef uint32_t(* nrf_dfu_disconnect_fn_t )(void)
 Function type for closing down a DFU transport. More...
typedef uint32_t(* nrf_dfu_init_fn_t )(bool low_power_mode)
 Function type for initializing a DFU transport. More...


uint32_t nrf_dfu_transports_close (void)
 Function for closing down all the registered DFU transports. More...
uint32_t nrf_dfu_transports_init (bool low_power_mode)
 Function for initializing all the registered DFU transports. More...

Detailed Description

Generic Device Firmware Update (DFU) transport interface.

The DFU transport module defines a generic interface that must be implemented for each transport layer.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DFU_TRANSPORT_REGISTER (   trans_var)    NRF_SECTION_ITEM_REGISTER(dfu_trans, trans_var)

Macro for registering a DFU transport by using section variables.

This macro places a variable in a section named "dfu_trans", which is initialized by nrf_dfu_transports_init.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint32_t(* nrf_dfu_disconnect_fn_t)(void)

Function type for closing down a DFU transport.

This function closes down a DFU transport in a gentle way.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf closing was successful for the transport. Any other return code indicates that the DFU transport could not be closed closed down.
typedef uint32_t(* nrf_dfu_init_fn_t)(bool low_power_mode)

Function type for initializing a DFU transport.

[in]low_power_modeTrue, if transport should be configured in low power mode.

This function initializes a DFU transport. The implementation of the function must initialize DFU mode and stay in service until either the device is reset or the DFU operation is finalized. When the DFU transport receives requests, it should call nrf_dfu_req_handler_on_req for handling the requests.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf initialization was successful for the transport. Any other return code indicates that the DFU transport could not be initialized.

Function Documentation

uint32_t nrf_dfu_transports_close ( void  )

Function for closing down all the registered DFU transports.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf all DFU transport were closed down successfully. Any other error code indicates that at least one DFU transport could not be closed down.
uint32_t nrf_dfu_transports_init ( bool  low_power_mode)

Function for initializing all the registered DFU transports.

[in]low_power_modeTrue, if transport should to be configured in low power mode.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf all DFU transports were initialized successfully. Any other error code indicates that at least one DFU transport could not be initialized.

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