nRF51 SDK v10.0.0
Data Fields
ble_lns_s Struct Reference

Location and Navigation Service structure. This structure contains various status information for the service. More...

#include <ble_lns.h>

Data Fields

ble_lns_evt_handler_t evt_handler
ble_srv_error_handler_t error_handler
bool is_navigation_present
uint16_t conn_handle
uint16_t service_handle
ble_gatts_char_handles_t loc_speed_handles
ble_gatts_char_handles_t feature_handles
ble_gatts_char_handles_t ctrl_point_handles
ble_gatts_char_handles_t navigation_handles
ble_gatts_char_handles_t pos_qual_handles
uint32_t available_features
uint8_t loc_speed_cccd_handle_status [BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]
uint8_t ctrl_pnt_cccd_handle_status [BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]
uint8_t navigation_cccd_handle_status [BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]
uint8_t fix_rate
ble_lns_mask_t mask
ble_lns_ctrlpt_procedure_status_t control_point_procedure_status
ble_lns_ctrlpt_response_t pending_ctrlpt_response
bool is_navigation_running
uint16_t number_of_routes
uint16_t selected_route
ble_lns_route_t routes [3]

Detailed Description

Location and Navigation Service structure. This structure contains various status information for the service.

Field Documentation

uint32_t ble_lns_s::available_features

Value of Location and Navigation feature.

uint16_t ble_lns_s::conn_handle

Handle of the current connection (as provided by the BLE stack; BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID if not in a connection).

ble_lns_ctrlpt_procedure_status_t ble_lns_s::control_point_procedure_status

Status of a control point action.

uint8_t ble_lns_s::ctrl_pnt_cccd_handle_status[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]

A buffer that stores the value of the CCCD handle of the Control Point characteristic.

ble_gatts_char_handles_t ble_lns_s::ctrl_point_handles

Handles related to the Location and Navigation Control Point characteristic.

ble_srv_error_handler_t ble_lns_s::error_handler

Error handler.

ble_lns_evt_handler_t ble_lns_s::evt_handler

Event handler to be called for handling events in the Location and Navigation Service.

ble_gatts_char_handles_t ble_lns_s::feature_handles

Handles related to the Location and Navigation Feature characteristic.

uint8_t ble_lns_s::fix_rate

The fix rate in seconds.

bool ble_lns_s::is_navigation_present

If set to true, the navigation characteristic is present. Else not.

bool ble_lns_s::is_navigation_running

This variable can be set using the control point. Must be true to be able to send navigation updates.

uint8_t ble_lns_s::loc_speed_cccd_handle_status[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]

A buffer that stores the value of the CCCD handle of the Location and Speed characteristic.

ble_gatts_char_handles_t ble_lns_s::loc_speed_handles

Handles related to the Location and Speed characteristic.

ble_lns_mask_t ble_lns_s::mask

When a field is set to true, the feature is turned off. Can be set by writing to the control point.

uint8_t ble_lns_s::navigation_cccd_handle_status[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN]

A buffer that stores the value of the CCCD handle of the Navigation characteristic.

ble_gatts_char_handles_t ble_lns_s::navigation_handles

Handles related to the Navigation characteristic.

uint16_t ble_lns_s::number_of_routes

The number of routes present.

ble_lns_loc_speed_t* ble_lns_s::p_location_speed

Location and Speed.

ble_lns_navigation_t* ble_lns_s::p_navigation

Navigation data structure.

ble_lns_pos_quality_t* ble_lns_s::p_position_quality

Position measurement quality.

ble_lns_ctrlpt_response_t ble_lns_s::pending_ctrlpt_response

Pending response data from a control point action.

ble_gatts_char_handles_t ble_lns_s::pos_qual_handles

Handles related to the Position Quality characteristic.

ble_lns_route_t ble_lns_s::routes[3]

The stored routes.

uint16_t ble_lns_s::selected_route

Index of route selected.

uint16_t ble_lns_s::service_handle

Handle of Location and Navigation Service (as provided by the BLE stack).

This document was last updated on Mon Nov 9 2015.
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