nRF51 SDK v10.0.0
Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
Mailbox library

Mailbox for safely queuing items. More...

Data Structures

struct  app_mailbox_t
 Mailbox definition structure. More...


 Macro to statically allocate memory for a given mailbox queue. More...


enum  app_mailbox_overflow_mode_t {
 Supported overflow modes. More...


ret_code_t app_mailbox_create (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox)
 Function for creating a mailbox queue. More...
ret_code_t app_mailbox_put (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox, void *p_item)
 Function for putting an item in the mailbox queue. More...
ret_code_t app_mailbox_sized_put (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox, void *p_item, uint16_t size)
 Function for putting an item with a specified size in the mailbox queue. More...
ret_code_t app_mailbox_get (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox, void *p_item)
 Function for getting an item from the mailbox queue. More...
ret_code_t app_mailbox_sized_get (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox, void *p_item, uint16_t *p_size)
 Function for getting an item and its size from the mailbox queue. More...
uint32_t app_mailbox_length_get (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox)
 Function for getting the current length of the mailbox queue. More...
void app_mailbox_mode_set (const app_mailbox_t *p_mailbox, app_mailbox_overflow_mode_t mode)
 Function for changing the mode of overflow handling. More...

Detailed Description

Mailbox for safely queuing items.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define APP_MAILBOX_DEF (   name,
static uint32_t STRING_CONCATENATE(mailbox_items_,name)[(1+CEIL_DIV((ITEM_SZ),4))*(QUEUE_SZ)];\
static app_mailbox_cb_t STRING_CONCATENATE(mailbox_cb_,name); \
const app_mailbox_t name = \
{ \
.p_pool = STRING_CONCATENATE(mailbox_items_,name), \
.p_cb = STRING_CONCATENATE(&mailbox_cb_,name), \
.queue_sz = (uint8_t)(QUEUE_SZ), \
.item_sz = (uint16_t)(ITEM_SZ), \

Macro to statically allocate memory for a given mailbox queue.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Supported overflow modes.


If the mailbox is full, app_mailbox_put does not add a new element.


If the mailbox is full, the oldest element is lost and a new one is added.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t app_mailbox_create ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox)

Function for creating a mailbox queue.

This function creates and initializes a mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the queue was successfully created.
ret_code_t app_mailbox_get ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox,
void *  p_item 

Function for getting an item from the mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
[out]p_itemPointer to the output location for the dequeued item.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the item was retrieved successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the queue is empty.
uint32_t app_mailbox_length_get ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox)

Function for getting the current length of the mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
Current number of elements in the queue.
void app_mailbox_mode_set ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox,
app_mailbox_overflow_mode_t  mode 

Function for changing the mode of overflow handling.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
modeNew mode to set.
ret_code_t app_mailbox_put ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox,
void *  p_item 

Function for putting an item in the mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
[in]p_itemPointer to the item to be queued.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the item was enqueued.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the queue is full.
ret_code_t app_mailbox_sized_get ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox,
void *  p_item,
uint16_t *  p_size 

Function for getting an item and its size from the mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
[out]p_itemPointer to the output location for the dequeued item.
[out]p_sizePointer to the item size.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the item was retrieved successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the queue is empty.
ret_code_t app_mailbox_sized_put ( const app_mailbox_t p_mailbox,
void *  p_item,
uint16_t  size 

Function for putting an item with a specified size in the mailbox queue.

[in]p_mailboxPointer to the mailbox.
[in]p_itemPointer to the item to be queued.
[in]sizeSize of the item.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the item was enqueued.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the queue is full.

This document was last updated on Mon Nov 9 2015.
Please send us your feedback about the documentation! For technical questions, visit the Nordic Developer Zone.