nRF5 SDK v15.3.0
Data Fields
nrf_crypto_ecc_public_key_t Union Reference

Union holding representation of a public key for any curve type. More...

#include <nrf_crypto_ecc.h>

Data Fields

nrf_crypto_ecc_secp160r1_public_key_t key_secp160r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp160r1 (NIST 160-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp160r2_public_key_t key_secp160r2
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp160r2 (NIST 160-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp192r1_public_key_t key_secp192r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp192r1 (NIST 192-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp224r1_public_key_t key_secp224r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp224r1 (NIST 224-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp256r1_public_key_t key_secp256r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp256r1 (NIST 256-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp384r1_public_key_t key_secp384r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp384r1 (NIST 384-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp521r1_public_key_t key_secp521r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp521r1 (NIST 521-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp160k1_public_key_t key_secp160k1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp160k1 (Koblitz 160-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp192k1_public_key_t key_secp192k1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp192k1 (Koblitz 192-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp224k1_public_key_t key_secp224k1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp224k1 (Koblitz 224-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_secp256k1_public_key_t key_secp256k1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for secp256k1 (Koblitz 256-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_bp256r1_public_key_t key_bp256r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for bp256r1 (Brainpool 256-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_bp384r1_public_key_t key_bp384r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for bp384r1 (Brainpool 384-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_bp512r1_public_key_t key_bp512r1
 Holds internal representation of a public key for bp512r1 (Brainpool 512-bit).
nrf_crypto_ecc_curve25519_public_key_t key_curve25519
 Holds internal representation of a public key for Curve25519.
nrf_crypto_ecc_ed25519_public_key_t key_ed25519
 Holds internal representation of a public key for Ed25519.

Detailed Description

Union holding representation of a public key for any curve type.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:

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