nRF5 SDK v15.3.0
Data Fields
trickle_params_t Struct Reference

Structure holds Trickle timer instance parameters. More...

#include <trickle_api.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t i_min
uint32_t i_max
trickle_t_min_choice_t t_min_choice
uint32_t k
uint32_t max_tx_evt_count
trickle_evt_handler_t trickle_evt_handler

Detailed Description

Structure holds Trickle timer instance parameters.

Field Documentation

uint32_t trickle_params_t::i_max

The minimum interval size, defined in milliseconds. Since the Application timer is used for timekeeping, this duration has to be at least APP_TIMER_MIN_TIMEOUT_TICKS long. A lower APP_TIMER_PRESCALER value will increase accuracy and allow shorter timeouts.

uint32_t trickle_params_t::i_min

The minimum interval size, defined in milliseconds. Since the Application timer is used for timekeeping, this duration has to be at least APP_TIMER_MIN_TIMEOUT_TICKS long. A lower APP_TIMER_PRESCALER value will increase accuracy and allow shorter timeouts.

uint32_t trickle_params_t::k

The redundancy constant, a natural number. Zero is reserved for turning off transmission suppression (always generate TRICKLE_EVT_DO_TX at time (t)).

uint32_t trickle_params_t::max_tx_evt_count

If greater than zero, the instance is automatically destroyed once it generates this many TRICKLE_EVT_DO_TX events.

trickle_t_min_choice_t trickle_params_t::t_min_choice

The transmission time t will be chosen from the range [0, I) or [I/2, I).

trickle_evt_handler_t trickle_params_t::trickle_evt_handler

Asynchronous callback registered for notifications of events pertaining to the timer instance.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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