nRF5 SDK v15.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Opiga utility functions

Data Structures

struct  sUint64
 structure to store the record sequence number More...


#define GREATER_THAN   0x00000001
 Greater than.
#define LESSER_THAN   0x00000002
 Lesser than.
#define EQUAL   0x00000000
 Default Low bound value value.
 Mask double word value.
#define WORD_SIZE   32
 Word bit size.
#define UTIL_SUCCESS   0x00000000
 Successful Execution.
 Execution Failure.
#define LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT_HIGH   0x00000001
 Least significant bit set to high.
#define MOST_SIGNIFICANT_BIT_HIGH   0x80000000
 Least significant bit set to high.


typedef struct sUint64 sUint64
 structure to store the record sequence number


int32_t CompareUint64 (const sUint64 *PpsSrc1, const sUint64 *PpsSrc2)
 The function compares two uint64 data type.

int32_t SubtractUint64 (const sUint64 *PpsMinuend, const sUint64 *PpsSubtrahend, sUint64 *PpsDifference)
 Calculates the difference between the two uint64 data.

int32_t AddUint64 (const sUint64 *PpsSrc1, const sUint64 *PpsSrc2, sUint64 *PpsDest)
 Adds two uint64 data.

int32_t IncrementUint64 (sUint64 *PpsSrc1)
 Increments uint64 data.

int32_t GetUint64 (sUint64 *PpsOut, const uint8_t *pbVal, uint16_t wLen)
 Converts byte array to uint64.

int32_t ShiftLeftUint64 (sUint64 *PpsWindow, sUint64 PsShiftCount, uint8_t PWindowSize, uint8_t PbMaxWindowSize)
 To Slide the window by shift count.

int32_t Utility_SetBitUint64 (sUint64 *PprgbData, uint8_t bWindowSize, uint8_t bBitPosition)
 To set a bit in the sUnit64 data.

uint16_t Utility_GetUint16 (const uint8_t *PprgbData)
 Prepares uint16 [Big endian] type value from the buffer.

uint32_t Utility_GetUint32 (const uint8_t *PprgbData)
 Prepares uint32 [Big endian] type value from the buffer .

void Utility_SetUint16 (puint8_t PprgbData, uint16_t PwValue)
 Copies 2 bytes of uint16 type value to the buffer

uint32_t Utility_GetUint24 (const uint8_t *PprgbData)
 Prepares uint24 [Big endian] type value from the buffer .

void Utility_SetUint24 (uint8_t *PprgbData, uint32_t Pdwvalue)
 Copies LSB 3 bytes of uint32 [Big endian] type value to the buffer and store.

void Utility_SetUint32 (uint8_t *PprgbData, uint32_t Pdwvalue)
 Copies LSB 4 bytes of uint32 [Big endian] type value to the buffer and store.

void Utility_Memmove (puint8_t PprgbDestBuf, const puint8_t PprgbSrcBuf, uint16_t PwLength)
 Copies the data from source buffer to destination buffer.


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