nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
CLI Example

The command line interface (CLI) example for nrf_crypto exposes the nrf_crypto library API as simple CLI commands. Use it to get familiar with the nrf_crypto functionality, and to do some one-time tasks like key generation or testing nrf_crypto functions.

Basic nrf_crypto CLI concepts

Get familiar with the following concepts before using nrf_crypto CLI.


Variables are used to share data between commands. Variable is a memory block that contains some data. Its name starts with the "$" character, followed by the variable type.

There is one basic variable type called raw that is a simple byte buffer. There are also types intended for specific tasks, for example the AES context.

Variable can be used as parameter. For example, the following command shows information about variable $some_var:

show $some_var


The following table shows different types of command arguments.

Command arguments
Argument Description
IN Data passed by this argument is read-only and does not change.
Some IN arguments expect a literal value, such as key size or cipher mode. Others can use variables.
OUT Command creates a new variable and puts some content into it.
If a variable with the same name already exists, it is overridden.
IN/OUT Variable passed by this argument will be changed.

You can pass different types of IN arguments depending on the first character.

Types of IN arguments
First character Description Example
$ Variable from which the command is to take data.
rng_reseed $random_data
@ This is an ASCII string. All characters following "@" are converted into a temporary raw-type variable that contains the string. A string argument that contains spaces must be enclosed within quotes.
( Argument is converted before it is passed to the command. For details, see Converters. See Example of converter usage.
Any other Arguments are treated as hex data. Hex string is converted into a temporary raw-type variable. Conversion is flexible and allows different formats of input. You can use both lower-case and upper-case hex characters. Hex characters can be grouped with any non-alphanumeric separator (such as spaces, commas, colons, dashes). You can add an optional "0x" prefix to the group.
ecc_private_key_from_raw secp160k1 BCF2FB6D3186C6DAF98ABFD76A6F549149BB23A3 $pk
aes_init ecb encrypt 4a:44:22:4c:df:97:79:38:a0:cd:d0:5a:da:89:5c:db $ctx
show "0x48 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F 0x57 0x6F 0x72 0x6C 0x64"
  • The Tab key can be used for hints and autocompletion of the IN arguments.
  • All the OUT and IN/OUT arguments expect a variable name, so they must start with a "$" character.

Printing of arguments

The OUT and IN/OUT arguments are printed after the execution of command. You can disable printing of specific output with a ">" character prefix. For example, the following command only prints a public key, and not a private one:

ecc_key_pair_generate secp256r1 >$private $public

The OUT argument can be printed without saving it to a variable. Use a single "$" character without variable name:


Before passing data to a command, the data can be converted. Converters allow to perform some operations in a single step instead of using multiple commands.

The IN argument can be prefixed by "(converter_name)", where converter_name is the name of a specific converter. The converter takes the data after this prefix and creates a new temporary variable with the converted data.

The following table shows the defined converters.

Defined converters
Converter Description
raw Converts ECC public or private key to raw representation.
sha256 Calculates hash digest from the input.
sha512 Calculates hash digest from the input.
public_curve_name Creates public key for a specific curve_name.
private_curve_name Creates private key for a specific curve_name.

For the list of all available converters, use the converters command or see the converters section.

Example of converter usage

The following command does the ECDSA signing in one step. The first argument is converted from a raw hex representation into a secp160k1 private key. The second argument is hashed using SHA-256. After both conversions are done, the ecdsa_sign command is executed with the converted values.

ecdsa_sign (private_secp160k1)BCF2FB6D3186C6DAF98ABFD76A6F549149BB23A3 "(sha256)@Hello World!!!" $sig

The final result is the same as the result of the following set of commands:

ecc_private_key_from_raw secp160k1 BCF2FB6D3186C6DAF98ABFD76A6F549149BB23A3 $pk
hash_calculate sha256 "@Hello World!!!" $digest
ecdsa_sign $pk $digest $sig

Command overview

The following table lists all available commands, starting from the general ones. For detailed information about each command, see Command details.

Commands for handling variables
lsLists all defined variables.
rmRemoves a variable.
mvRenames a variable.
showShows the contents of a variable.
varmapPrints full contents of the variable memory.
convertersLists all defined converters.
Commands for raw-type variables
rawCreates a variable with raw data.
prependPrepends raw data to a raw variable.
appendAppends raw data to a raw variable.
subCreates a variable from a part of the raw data.
formatChanges printing format of the raw data.
Commands for RNG
rng_vector_generateGenerates a random vector.
rng_vector_generate_in_rangeGenerates a random vector in specific range.
rng_reseedReseeds the generator.
Commands for HASH
hash_initInitializes the hash context.
hash_updateUpdates a hash function with new data.
hash_finalizeFinalizes the hash calculation.
hash_calculateCalculates the hash in one step.
Commands for HMAC
hmac_initInitializes the HMAC context.
hmac_updateUpdates the HMAC calculation with new data.
hmac_finalizeFinalizes the HAMC calculation.
hmac_calculateCalculates HMAC in one step.
Commands for HKDF
hkdf_calculateCalculates HKDF.
Commands for AES
aes_initInitializes the AES context.
aes_updateUpdates AES with new data.
aes_finalizeFinalizes AES.
aes_cryptCalculates AES in one step.
Commands for AEAD
aead_encryptCalculates AEAD in one step.
aead_decryptCalculates AEAD in one step.
Commands for all ECC
ecc_key_pair_generateGenerates an ECC key pair.
ecc_public_key_calculateGenerates an ECC public key from private key.
ecc_public_key_from_rawCreates an ECC public key from raw data.
ecc_public_key_to_rawGets raw data from the ECC public key.
ecc_private_key_to_rawGets raw data from the ECC private key.
ecc_private_key_from_rawCreates an ECC private key from raw data.
ecc_curvesShows all available ECC curve types.
ecc_byte_order_invertInverts byte order of raw ECC data.
Commands for ECDH
ecdh_computeComputes Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman shared secret.
Commands for ECDSA
ecdsa_signSigns a message with the ECC private key.
ecdsa_verifyVerifies a hash with the ECC public key.
Commands for EdDSA
eddsa_signSigns a message with the ECC private key by using EdDSA.
eddsa_verifyVerifies a hash with the ECC public key by using EdDSA.

Command details

This section contains detailed information about all available commands from the Command overview table, ordered alphabetically.


Calculates AEAD in one step.

aead_decrypt mode key nonce adata data_in mac_size mac data_out
INmodeAES block cipher mode (ccm, ccm*, eax, gcm, chacha-poly).
INkeyAES key (must be 128, 192, or 256 bit long).
INadataAdditional authenticated data.
INdata_inData to process.
INmacMAC to check.
OUTdata_outResulting data.


Calculates AEAD in one step.

aead_encrypt mode key nonce adata data_in mac_size mac data_out
INmodeAES block cipher mode (ccm, ccm*, eax, gcm, chacha-poly).
INkeyAES key (must be 128, 192, or 256 bit long).
INadataAdditional authenticated data.
INdata_inData to process.
INmac_sizeExpected size of the MAC.
OUTmacResulting MAC.
OUTdata_outResulting data.


Calculates AES in one step.

aes_crypt mode operation [padding] key [iv] data_in data_out
INmodeAES block cipher mode (cbc, cbc-mac, cfb, cmac, ctr, ecb).
INoperationOperation to perform (encrypt, decrypt, mac).
INpaddingOptional padding algorithm (pkcs7 or none).
INkeyAES key (must be 128, 192, or 256 bit long).
INivOptional initialization vector.
INdata_inData to process.
OUTdata_outResulting data.


Finalizes AES.

aes_finalize context data_in [data_out]
INcontextAES context.
INdata_inLast part of input data.
IN/OUTdata_outOptional result data of the finalization.
If it is not present, the data is discarded.
If it is an existing raw variable, the data is appended.
If it is a non-existing variable, it is created.


Initializes AES context.

aes_init mode operation [padding] key [iv] context
INmodeAES block cipher mode (cbc, cbc-mac, cfb, cmac, ctr, ecb).
INoperationOperation to perform (encrypt, decrypt, mac).
INpaddingOptional padding algorithm (pkcs7 or none).
INkeyAES key (must be 128, 192, or 256 bit long).
INivOptional initialization vector.
OUTcontextNewly initialized context.


Updates AES with new data.

aes_update context data_in [data_out]
INcontextAES context.
INdata_inInput data. For all modes except CFB, it must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
IN/OUTdata_outOptional result data of the finalization.
If it is not present, the data is discarded.
If it is an existing raw variable, the data is appended.
If it is a non-existing variable, it is created.


Appends raw data to a raw variable.

append [data1 [data2 ...]] variable
INdataNMultiple raw data arguments that are concatenated.
IN/OUTvariableVariable where data is appended.


Lists all defined converters.

n/aThis command does not take arguments.


Inverts byte order of the raw ECC data.

ecc_byte_order_invert [curve] input output
INcurveOptional curve that defines how to invert fields. If it is skipped, all bytes are inverted.
INinputSource raw data.
OUToutputRaw data containing inverted byte order.


Lists all available ECC curve types. The content of the list are the aliases for the specific curve types. The most common alias is secp256r1.

n/aThis command does not take arguments.


Generates the ECC key pair.

ecc_key_pair_generate curve private_key public_key
INcurveCurve to use.
INprivate_keySource private key.
OUTpublic_keyGenerated public key.


Creates the ECC private key from raw data.

ecc_private_key_from_raw curve raw_data private_key
INcurveCurve name. Use the ecc_curves command to list all supported curves.
INraw_dataRaw representation of the key.
OUTprivate_keyConverted key.


Gets raw data from the ECC private key.

ecc_private_key_to_raw private_key raw_data
INprivate_keyKey to convert.
OUTraw_dataRaw representation of the key.


Generates the ECC public key from a private key.

ecc_public_key_calculate private_key public_key
INprivate_keySource private key.
OUTpublic_keyGenerated public key.


Creates the ECC public key from raw data.

ecc_public_key_from_raw curve raw_data public_key
INcurveCurve name. Use the ecc_curves command to list all supported curves.
INraw_dataRaw representation of the key.
OUTpublic_keyConverted key.


Gets raw data from the ECC public key.

ecc_public_key_to_raw public_key raw_data
INpublic_keyKey to convert.
OUTraw_dataRaw representation of the key.


Computes Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman shared secret.

ecdh_compute private_key public_key shared_secret
INprivate_keyLocal private key.
INpublic_keyRemote public key.
OUTshared_secretCreated shared secret.


Signs a message with the ECC private key.

ecdsa_sign private_key hash signature
INprivate_keyPrivate key.
INhashHash of the message to sign.
OUTsignatureSignature to create.


Verifies a hash with the ECC public key.

ecdsa_verify public_key hash signature
INpublic_keyPublic key.
INhashHash of the message to verify.
INsignatureSignature to check.


Signs a message with the ECC private key by using EdDSA.

ecdsa_sign private_key message signature
INprivate_keyPrivate key.
INmessageMessage to sign.
OUTsignatureSignature to create.


Verifies a hash with the ECC public key by using EdDSA.

ecdsa_verify public_key message signature
INpublic_keyPublic key.
INmessageMessage to verify.
INsignatureSignature to check.


Changes printing format of raw data.

format type
INtypeSource raw data to cut.
The following values are allowed:
  • hex - raw hex format (default),
  • c - C source code,
  • cli - string that can be copy-pasted back to CLI.


Calculates hash in one step.

hash_calculate hash_type data digest
INhash_typeAlgorithm used to calculate hash (sha256 or sha512).
INdataData input.
OUTdigestCalculated digest.


Finalizes hash calculation.

hash_finalize context digest
INcontextHash context to finalize.
OUTdigestCalculated digest.


Initializes hash context.

hash_init hash_type context
INhash_typeAlgorithm used to calculate hash (sha256 or sha512).
OUTcontextNewly initialized context.


Updates hash function with new data.

hash_update context data
INcontextHash context to update.
INdataData input.


Calculates HKDF.

hkdf_calculate hash_type mode input_key salt ainfo output_key_size output_key
INhmac_typeAlgorithm used to calculate HKDF (sha256 or sha512).
INmodeHKDF mode (normal or expand_only).
INsaltSalt data or "-".
INainfoApplication specific information or "-".
INkey_sizeOutput key size in bytes, or bits, if a "bit" postfix is added.
OUTkeyCalculated key.


Calculates HMAC in one step.

hmac_calculate hash_type key data digest
INhmac_typeAlgorithm used to calculate hmac (sha256 or sha512).
INkeyKey data.
INdataData input.
OUTdigestCalculated digest.


Finalizes HAMC calculation.

hmac_finalize context digest
INcontextHMAC context to finalize.
OUTdigestCalculated digest.


Initializes HMAC context.

hmac_init hash_type key context
INhmac_typeAlgorithm used to calculate HMAC (sha256 or sha512).
INkeyKey data.
OUTcontextNewly initialized context.


Updates HMAC calculation with a new data.

hmac_update context data
INcontextHMAC context to update.
INdataData input.


Lists all defined variables.

n/aThis command does not take arguments.


Renames a variable.

mv old_name new_name
INold_nameName of the variable to rename.
INnew_nameNew name of the variable.


Prepends raw data to a raw variable.

prepend [data1 [data2 ...]] variable
INdataNMultiple raw data arguments that are to be concatenated.
IN/OUTvariableVariable where data is to be prepended.


Creates variable with raw data.

raw [data1 [data2 ...]] output
INdataNMultiple raw data arguments that are to be concatenated.
OUToutputNewly created raw data.


Removes a variable.

rm variable_name
INvariable_nameName of the variable to remove or "*" to delete all.


Reseeds the generator.

rng_reseed [data]
INdataSeed data used to reseed.


Generates a random vector.

rng_vector_generate size vector
INsizeRequested size of the vector in bytes.
OUTvectorResulting data.


Generates a random vector in specific range.

rng_vector_generate_in_range min max vector
INminMinimum value.
INmaxMaximum value.
OUTvectorResulting data.


Displays the contents of a variable.

show variable_name
INvariable_nameName of the variable to display.


Creates variable from part of a raw data.

sub source start_index bytes_count output
INsourceSource raw data to cut.
INstart_indexIndex of byte in the source where cutting starts. Negative value starts the count from the end of data.
INbytes_countNumber of bytes to cut. Negative value indicate where cutting ends, counting from the end of data. Value "-" cuts to the end.
OUToutputVariable where portion of the source is to be placed.


Prints full contents of the variable memory.

n/aThis command does not take arguments.


Test the nrf_crypto CLI Example application by performing the following steps:

  1. Start a terminal emulator (PuTTY is recommended) with the following Terminal settings to establish the connection:
    • Serial: for UART,
    • Telnet, port 19021: for RTT transport.
      For establishing an RTT session, use JLink.exe. Do not use J-Link Viewer, as it does not support inline input and output like a terminal emulator.
  2. Compile and program the application.
  3. Wait for prompt nrf_crypto$.
  4. Press the Tab key to check the list of commands.
  5. Type some commands and check the results. For example:
    hash_calculate sha256 "@Hello World!!!" $hash
    show $hash

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