nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
BSD Socket Interface - Common module configuration


 Enable or disable automatic initialization of socket module. More...
 Enable or disable API parameter check. More...
 Enables logging in the module. More...
 Default Severity level. More...
 ANSI escape code prefix. More...
 ANSI escape code prefix. More...
 The max number of sockets to support for socket module. More...
 Enable or disable transport layer in socket module. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


Enable or disable automatic initialization of socket module.

The automatic setup allows the socket API to initialize the entire stack so that you can compile and run PC applications using the socket API with no modifications needed. Disabling autoinit is only recommended if you need to do custom modifications to the initialization procedure.

Set to 1 to activate.

This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

ANSI escape code prefix.

Following options are available:

  • 0 - Default
  • 1 - Black
  • 2 - Red
  • 3 - Green
  • 4 - Yellow
  • 5 - Blue
  • 6 - Magenta
  • 7 - Cyan
  • 8 - White
This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

ANSI escape code prefix.

Following options are available:

  • 0 - Default
  • 1 - Black
  • 2 - Red
  • 3 - Green
  • 4 - Yellow
  • 5 - Blue
  • 6 - Magenta
  • 7 - Cyan
  • 8 - White
This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

Enables logging in the module.

Set to 1 to activate.

This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

Default Severity level.

Following options are available:

  • 0 - Off
  • 1 - Error
  • 2 - Warning
  • 3 - Info
  • 4 - Debug
This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

Enable or disable API parameter check.

API parameter checks are added to ensure right parameters are passed to the module. These checks are useful during development phase, but redundant when in production. Disabling this can result in some code saving.

Set to 1 to activate.

This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

The max number of sockets to support for socket module.

Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255

This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

Enable or disable transport layer in socket module.

The transport layer is required if you are going to use the Nordic IPv6 stack or the LwIP stack as used by Nordic. If you want to use the socket layer for configuration sockets only, you can disable transport as it can result in some code saving.

Set to 1 to activate.

This is an NRF_CONFIG macro.

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