nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
AES ECB encryption driver

Driver for the AES Electronic Code Book (ECB) peripheral. More...


bool nrf_ecb_init (void)
 Function for initializing and powering on the ECB peripheral. More...
bool nrf_ecb_crypt (uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
 Function for encrypting 16-byte data using current key. More...
void nrf_ecb_set_key (const uint8_t *key)
 Function for setting the key to be used for encryption. More...

Detailed Description

Driver for the AES Electronic Code Book (ECB) peripheral.

To encrypt data, the peripheral must first be powered on using nrf_ecb_init. Next, the key must be set using nrf_ecb_set_key.

Function Documentation

bool nrf_ecb_crypt ( uint8_t *  dst,
const uint8_t *  src 

Function for encrypting 16-byte data using current key.

This function avoids unnecessary copying of data if the parameters point to the correct locations in the ECB data structure.

dstResult of encryption, 16 bytes will be written.
srcSource with 16-byte data to be encrypted.
Return values
trueIf the encryption operation completed.
falseIf the encryption operation did not complete.
bool nrf_ecb_init ( void  )

Function for initializing and powering on the ECB peripheral.

This function allocates memory for the ECBDATAPTR.

Return values
trueIf initialization was successful.
falseIf powering on failed.
void nrf_ecb_set_key ( const uint8_t *  key)

Function for setting the key to be used for encryption.

keyPointer to the key. 16 bytes will be read.

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