nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
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Infineon Platform Abstraction Library

Infineon Platform Abstraction Library. More...


file  pal_socket.h
 This file implements the prototype declarations of pal socket functionalities.

Data Structures

struct  pal_gpio
 Structure defines the PAL GPIO configuration. More...
struct  pal_i2c
 PAL I2C context structure. More...


#define PAL_STATUS_SUCCESS   (0x0000)
 PAL API execution is successful.
#define PAL_STATUS_FAILURE   (0x0001)
 PAL API execution failed.
#define PAL_STATUS_I2C_BUSY   (0x0002)
 PAL I2C is busy.
#define PAL_I2C_EVENT_SUCCESS   (0x0000)
 Event returned when I2C master completes execution.
#define PAL_I2C_EVENT_ERROR   (0x0001)
 Event returned when I2C master operation fails.
#define PAL_I2C_EVENT_BUSY   (0x0002)
 Event returned when lower level I2C bus is busy.


typedef uint16_t pal_status_t
 PAL return status.
typedef struct pal_gpio pal_gpio_t
 Structure defines the PAL GPIO configuration.
typedef struct pal_i2c pal_i2c_t
 PAL I2C context structure.
typedef void(* register_callback )(void *)
 typedef for Callback function when timer elapses.


void pal_gpio_init (void)
 Initializes the GPIO PAL.
void pal_gpio_set_high (const pal_gpio_t *p_gpio_context)
 Sets the gpio pin to high state.
void pal_gpio_set_low (const pal_gpio_t *p_gpio_context)
 Sets the gpio pin to Low state.
pal_status_t pal_i2c_init (const pal_i2c_t *p_i2c_context)
 Initializes the I2C master.
pal_status_t pal_i2c_set_bitrate (const pal_i2c_t *p_i2c_context, uint16_t bitrate)
 Sets the I2C Master bitrate.
pal_status_t pal_i2c_write (pal_i2c_t *p_i2c_context, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length)
 Writes to I2C bus.
pal_status_t pal_i2c_read (pal_i2c_t *p_i2c_context, uint8_t *p_data, uint16_t length)
 Reads from I2C bus.
pal_status_t pal_i2c_deinit (const pal_i2c_t *p_i2c_context)
 De-initializes the I2C master.
void pal_os_event_init (void)
 Initializes the OS event PAL.
void pal_os_event_register_callback_oneshot (register_callback callback, void *callback_args, uint32_t time_us)
 Callback registration function to trigger once when timer expires.
uint32_t pal_os_timer_get_time_in_milliseconds (void)
 Gets tick count value in milliseconds.
void pal_os_timer_delay_in_milliseconds (uint16_t milliseconds)
 Waits or delay until the supplied milliseconds.


pal_i2c_t optiga_pal_i2c_context_0
pal_gpio_t optiga_vdd_0
pal_gpio_t optiga_reset_0

Detailed Description

Infineon Platform Abstraction Library.

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