nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
CryptoCell ECC Key Generation APIs


CRYSError_t CRYS_ECPKI_GenKeyPair (void *rndState_ptr, SaSiRndGenerateVectWorkFunc_t rndGenerateVectFunc, const CRYS_ECPKI_Domain_t *pDomain, CRYS_ECPKI_UserPrivKey_t *pUserPrivKey, CRYS_ECPKI_UserPublKey_t *pUserPublKey, CRYS_ECPKI_KG_TempData_t *pTempData, CRYS_ECPKI_KG_FipsContext_t *pFipsCtx)
 Generates a pair of private and public keys in internal representation according to [ANS X9.62]. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

CRYSError_t CRYS_ECPKI_GenKeyPair ( void *  rndState_ptr,
SaSiRndGenerateVectWorkFunc_t  rndGenerateVectFunc,
const CRYS_ECPKI_Domain_t pDomain,
CRYS_ECPKI_UserPrivKey_t pUserPrivKey,
CRYS_ECPKI_UserPublKey_t pUserPublKey,
CRYS_ECPKI_KG_TempData_t pTempData,
CRYS_ECPKI_KG_FipsContext_t pFipsCtx 

Generates a pair of private and public keys in internal representation according to [ANS X9.62].

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_ecpki_error.h or crys_rnd_error.h
[in,out]rndState_ptrPointer to the RND state structure.
[in]rndGenerateVectFuncPointer to the random vector generation function.
[in]pDomainPointer to EC domain (curve).
[out]pUserPrivKeyPointer to the private key structure. This structure is used as input to the ECPKI cryptographic primitives.
[out]pUserPublKeyPointer to the public key structure. This structure is used as input to the ECPKI cryptographic primitives.
[in]pTempDataTemporary buffers for internal use, defined in CRYS_ECPKI_KG_TempData_t.
[in]pFipsCtxPointer to temporary buffer used in case FIPS certification if required.

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