nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
BLE connection state functions


void ble_conn_state_init (void)
 Function for initializing or resetting the module. More...
bool ble_conn_state_valid (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for querying whether a connection handle represents a valid connection. More...
uint8_t ble_conn_state_role (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for querying the role of the local device in a connection. More...
ble_conn_state_status_t ble_conn_state_status (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for querying the status of a connection. More...
bool ble_conn_state_encrypted (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for querying whether a connection is encrypted. More...
bool ble_conn_state_mitm_protected (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for querying whether a connection encryption is protected from Man in the Middle attacks. More...
uint32_t ble_conn_state_conn_count (void)
 Function for querying the total number of connections. More...
uint32_t ble_conn_state_central_conn_count (void)
 Function for querying the total number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL. More...
uint32_t ble_conn_state_peripheral_conn_count (void)
 Function for querying the total number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH. More...
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_conn_handles (void)
 Function for obtaining a list of all connection handles for which the module has a record. More...
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_central_handles (void)
 Function for obtaining a list of connection handles in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL. More...
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_periph_handles (void)
 Function for obtaining the handle for the connection in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH. More...
uint16_t ble_conn_state_conn_idx (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Function for translating a connection handle to a value that can be used as an array index. More...
ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t ble_conn_state_user_flag_acquire (void)
 Function for obtaining exclusive access to one of the user flag collections. More...
bool ble_conn_state_user_flag_get (uint16_t conn_handle, ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t flag_id)
 Function for reading the value of a user flag. More...
void ble_conn_state_user_flag_set (uint16_t conn_handle, ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t flag_id, bool value)
 Function for setting the value of a user flag. More...
uint32_t ble_conn_state_for_each_connected (ble_conn_state_user_function_t user_function, void *p_context)
 Function for running a function for each active connection. More...
uint32_t ble_conn_state_for_each_set_user_flag (ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t flag_id, ble_conn_state_user_function_t user_function, void *p_context)
 Function for running a function for each flag that is set in a user flag collection. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

uint32_t ble_conn_state_central_conn_count ( void  )

Function for querying the total number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL.

The number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL.
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_central_handles ( void  )

Function for obtaining a list of connection handles in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL.

This function takes into account connections whose state is BLE_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED.

A list of all valid connection handles for which the module has a record and in which the role of local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_CENTRAL.
uint32_t ble_conn_state_conn_count ( void  )

Function for querying the total number of connections.

The total number of valid connections for which the module has a record.
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_conn_handles ( void  )

Function for obtaining a list of all connection handles for which the module has a record.

This function takes into account connections whose state is BLE_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED.

A list of all valid connection handles for which the module has a record.
uint16_t ble_conn_state_conn_idx ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for translating a connection handle to a value that can be used as an array index.

Function for mapping connection handles onto the range <0 - MAX_CONNECTIONS>.

The index will be the same as long as a connection is invalid. A subsequent connection with the same connection handle might have a different index.
[in]conn_handleThe connection for which to retrieve an index.
An index unique to this connection. Or BLE_CONN_STATE_MAX_CONNECTIONS if conn_handle refers to an invalid connection.
bool ble_conn_state_encrypted ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for querying whether a connection is encrypted.

[in]conn_handleHandle of connection to get the encryption state for.
Return values
trueIf the connection is encrypted.
falseIf the connection is not encrypted or conn_handle is invalid.
uint32_t ble_conn_state_for_each_connected ( ble_conn_state_user_function_t  user_function,
void *  p_context 

Function for running a function for each active connection.

[in]user_functionThe function to run for each connection.
[in]p_contextArbitrary context to be passed to user_function.
The number of times user_function was run.
uint32_t ble_conn_state_for_each_set_user_flag ( ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t  flag_id,
ble_conn_state_user_function_t  user_function,
void *  p_context 

Function for running a function for each flag that is set in a user flag collection.

[in]flag_idWhich flags to check.
[in]user_functionThe function to run when a flag is set.
[in]p_contextArbitrary context to be passed to user_function.
The number of times user_function was run.
void ble_conn_state_init ( void  )

Function for initializing or resetting the module.

This function sets all states to their default, removing all records of connection handles.

bool ble_conn_state_mitm_protected ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for querying whether a connection encryption is protected from Man in the Middle attacks.

[in]conn_handleHandle of connection to get the MITM state for.
Return values
trueIf the connection is encrypted with MITM protection.
falseIf the connection is not encrypted, or encryption is not MITM protected, or conn_handle is invalid.
ble_conn_state_conn_handle_list_t ble_conn_state_periph_handles ( void  )

Function for obtaining the handle for the connection in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH.

This function takes into account connections whose state is BLE_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED.

A list of all valid connection handles for which the module has a record and in which the role of local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH.
uint32_t ble_conn_state_peripheral_conn_count ( void  )

Function for querying the total number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH.

The number of connections in which the role of the local device is BLE_GAP_ROLE_PERIPH.
uint8_t ble_conn_state_role ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for querying the role of the local device in a connection.

[in]conn_handleHandle of the connection to get the role for.
The role of the local device in the connection (see GAP Roles). If conn_handle is not valid, the function returns BLE_GAP_ROLE_INVALID.
ble_conn_state_status_t ble_conn_state_status ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for querying the status of a connection.

[in]conn_handleHandle of the connection.
The status of the connection. If conn_handle is not valid, the function returns BLE_CONN_STATE_INVALID.
ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t ble_conn_state_user_flag_acquire ( void  )

Function for obtaining exclusive access to one of the user flag collections.

The acquired collection contains one flag for each connection. These flags can be set and read individually for each connection.

The state of user flags will not be modified by the connection state module, except to set it to 0 for a connection when that connection is invalidated.

The ID of the acquired flag, or BLE_CONN_STATE_USER_FLAG_INVALID if none are available.
bool ble_conn_state_user_flag_get ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t  flag_id 

Function for reading the value of a user flag.

[in]conn_handleHandle of connection to get the flag state for.
[in]flag_idWhich flag to get the state for.
The state of the flag. If conn_handle is invalid, the function returns false.
void ble_conn_state_user_flag_set ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
ble_conn_state_user_flag_id_t  flag_id,
bool  value 

Function for setting the value of a user flag.

[in]conn_handleHandle of connection to set the flag state for.
[in]flag_idWhich flag to set the state for.
[in]valueValue to set the flag state to.
bool ble_conn_state_valid ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Function for querying whether a connection handle represents a valid connection.

A connection might be valid and have a BLE_CONN_STATUS_DISCONNECTED status. Those connections are invalidated after a new connection occurs.

[in]conn_handleHandle of the connection.
Return values
trueIf conn_handle represents a valid connection, thus a connection for which we have a record.
falseIf conn_handle is BLE_GAP_ROLE_INVALID, or if it has never been recorded.

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