nRF5 SDK v15.2.0
Modules | Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
ANT request controller

Module for handling page requests related to page 70. More...


 ANT+ request controller configuration

Data Structures

struct  ant_request_controller_t
 ANT request controller structure. More...


enum  ant_request_controller_evt_t {
 Request controller events types. More...
enum  ant_request_controller_state_t {
 Request controller states. More...


void ant_request_controller_init (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller)
 Function for initializing the ANT request controller instance. More...
uint32_t ant_request_controller_request (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller, uint8_t channel_number, ant_common_page70_data_t *p_page_70)
 Function for sending a request. More...
bool ant_request_controller_pending_get (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller, uint8_t *p_page_number)
 Function for getting pending page number. More...
bool ant_request_controller_ack_needed (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller)
 Function for checking whether the next page must be sent with acknowledgment. More...
ant_request_controller_evt_t ant_request_controller_disp_evt_handler (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller, ant_evt_t *p_ant_evt)
 Function for handling ANT events on display side. More...
void ant_request_controller_sens_evt_handler (ant_request_controller_t *p_controller, ant_evt_t *p_ant_evt)
 Function for handling ANT events on sensor side. More...

Detailed Description

Module for handling page requests related to page 70.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Request controller events types.


No event.


Page request successful.


Page request failed.

Request controller states.


Module is in idle state.


Module waits for acknowledgment of its request.


Module is requested to send page n times using broadcast.


Module is requested to send page n times using acknowledgment.


Module is requested to send page until success using acknowledgment.

Function Documentation

bool ant_request_controller_ack_needed ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller)

Function for checking whether the next page must be sent with acknowledgment.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
Return values
TRUEIf the next transmission needs acknowledgment.
FALSEIf the next transmission does not need acknowledgment.
ant_request_controller_evt_t ant_request_controller_disp_evt_handler ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller,
ant_evt_t p_ant_evt 

Function for handling ANT events on display side.

All events from the ANT stack that are related to the appropriate channel number should be propagated.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
[in]p_ant_evtEvent received from the ANT stack.
void ant_request_controller_init ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller)

Function for initializing the ANT request controller instance.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
bool ant_request_controller_pending_get ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller,
uint8_t *  p_page_number 

Function for getting pending page number.

This function checks whether a page number was requested.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
[out]p_page_numberPending page number (valid if true was returned).
Return values
TRUEIf there was a pending page.
FALSEIf no page was pending.
uint32_t ant_request_controller_request ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller,
uint8_t  channel_number,
ant_common_page70_data_t p_page_70 

Function for sending a request.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
[in]channel_numberChannel number.
[in]p_page_70Pointer to the prepared page 70.
Error code returned by sd_ant_acknowledge_message_tx().
void ant_request_controller_sens_evt_handler ( ant_request_controller_t p_controller,
ant_evt_t p_ant_evt 

Function for handling ANT events on sensor side.

All events from the ANT stack that are related to the appropriate channel number should be propagated.

[in]p_controllerPointer to the controller instance.
[in]p_ant_evtEvent received from the ANT stack.
Return values
TRUEIf there was a pending page.

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