nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Data Structures | Functions
System Ring buffer API

Module for declaring System Ring buffer API. More...

Data Structures

struct  sys_ringbuffer_t


void sys_ringbuffer_init (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer, const void *memory, const size_t length)
 Function for initializing an empty ring buffer over passed memory. More...
void sys_ringbuffer_init_over (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer, const void *memory, const size_t pre_init_length, const size_t length)
 Function for initializing a ring buffer over passed memory and marking all pre_init_length elements as inserted. More...
uint8_t sys_ringbuffer_remove (sys_ringbuffer_t *buf)
 Function for removing an element from a ring buffer and returning it. More...
void sys_ringbuffer_remove_multiple (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer, const size_t chunk_size)
 Function for quickly removing up to chunk_size elements from a ring buffer and marking those elements as available in the ring buffer. More...
void sys_ringbuffer_insert (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer, const uint8_t data)
 Function for inserting a new element into a ring buffer. More...
void sys_ringbuffer_clear (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer)
 Function for clearing an instance of sys_ringbuffer_t, making it empty. More...
size_t sys_ringbuffer_size_get (const sys_ringbuffer_t *buf)
 Function for returning the number of used elements in a ring buffer instance. More...
void sys_ringbuffer_chunk_get (sys_ringbuffer_t *buffer, void **chunk, size_t *chunk_size)
 Function for returning the biggest, available to read, continuous chunk from a ring buffer array. More...
static bool sys_ringbuffer_is_empty (const sys_ringbuffer_t *buf)
 Function for checking whether a ring buffer is empty. More...
static bool sys_ringbuffer_is_full (const sys_ringbuffer_t *buf)
 Function for checking whether a ring buffer is full. More...
static size_t sys_ringbuffer_max_size_get (const sys_ringbuffer_t *buf)
 Function for returning number of elements that can be potentially put into the buffer. More...

Detailed Description

Module for declaring System Ring buffer API.

The Ring Buffer module implements routines to deal with the ring buffer. The following routines are supported: sys_ringbuffer_insert(), sys_ringbuffer_remove() to operate with single element. The sys_ringbuffer_remove_multiple() can be used to remove (read) several elements at once. The sys_ringbuffer_clear(), sys_ringbuffer_init(), and sys_ringbuffer_init_over() functions are used to clean up and initialize the ring buffer. Some information about the initialized ring buffer is available via the following routines: sys_ringbuffer_size_get() to get the number of used elements, sys_ringbuffer_chunk_get() to return the biggest, available to read, continuous chunk of elements, sys_ringbuffer_is_empty() and sys_ringbuffer_is_full() to check if the ring buffer is empty/full, and sys_ringbuffer_max_size_get() to get the ring buffer capacity. One of the samples for ring buffer usage is the UART implementation.

Function Documentation

void sys_ringbuffer_chunk_get ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer,
void **  chunk,
size_t *  chunk_size 

Function for returning the biggest, available to read, continuous chunk from a ring buffer array.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
[out]chunkPointer to a memory chunk removed from the ring buffer.
[out]chunk_sizeSize of the removed chunk.
The returned chunk is still part of the ring buffer. To make the chunk elements available for write, call sys_ringbuffer_remove_multiple() after the chunk is processed.
void sys_ringbuffer_clear ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer)

Function for clearing an instance of sys_ringbuffer_t, making it empty.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
void sys_ringbuffer_init ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer,
const void *  memory,
const size_t  length 

Function for initializing an empty ring buffer over passed memory.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t that will be initialized.
[in]memoryStart address of the memory region used as a ring buffer.
[in]lengthSize in bytes of the memory region used as a ring buffer.
void sys_ringbuffer_init_over ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer,
const void *  memory,
const size_t  pre_init_length,
const size_t  length 

Function for initializing a ring buffer over passed memory and marking all pre_init_length elements as inserted.

This function may be used to initialize a buffer with some pre-initialized data in it. Passed memory region is interpreted by this function as an already filled (partly or fully) ring buffer so that pre_init_length elements are marked as inserted.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t that will be initialized.
[in]memoryStart address of the memory region used as a ring buffer.
[in]pre_init_lengthNumber of elements (bytes) that had already been in memory. They would be inserted into the newly-initialized ring buffer in a FIFO manner.
[in]lengthSize of the memory region used as a ring buffer.
void sys_ringbuffer_insert ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer,
const uint8_t  data 

Function for inserting a new element into a ring buffer.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
[in]dataElement value to insert.
In case of overflow, this buffer will overwrite the oldest element and the number of available elements will remain unchanged.
static bool sys_ringbuffer_is_empty ( const sys_ringbuffer_t buf)

Function for checking whether a ring buffer is empty.

[in,out]bufInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
True if the ring buffer is empty.
static bool sys_ringbuffer_is_full ( const sys_ringbuffer_t buf)

Function for checking whether a ring buffer is full.

[in,out]bufInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
True if number of items in the buffer equals to (length - 1).
static size_t sys_ringbuffer_max_size_get ( const sys_ringbuffer_t buf)

Function for returning number of elements that can be potentially put into the buffer.

[in,out]bufInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
Number of elements.
uint8_t sys_ringbuffer_remove ( sys_ringbuffer_t buf)

Function for removing an element from a ring buffer and returning it.

[in,out]bufInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
Value of the removed element.
This buffer has no underflow control except assert.
void sys_ringbuffer_remove_multiple ( sys_ringbuffer_t buffer,
const size_t  chunk_size 

Function for quickly removing up to chunk_size elements from a ring buffer and marking those elements as available in the ring buffer.

[in,out]bufferInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
[in]chunk_sizeNumber of elements to release.
size_t sys_ringbuffer_size_get ( const sys_ringbuffer_t buf)

Function for returning the number of used elements in a ring buffer instance.

[in,out]bufInstance of sys_ringbuffer_t.
Number of elements.

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